#9 Why does it hurt?

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The first few days after my hook-up with Hollister are the worst. I have to see him every single day at work and even though I pretend that there's nothing wrong and yell at him and Kieran like I always do, I feel like an awful human being every time he looks at me with those blue eyes, smirking. Not only did I let him disrespect me, but I helped him cheat on the girl he's been with for years. He was already with her back when we met during my first year of college. He's been with her for eight years or something, since his early twenties. I met her a few times and she's a wonderful girl, really sweet. How could he do this to her? And to me?

Joshua calls me a few times, apologizing for not replying for an entire day, even though he didn't do anything wrong. He was just busy. It's not like we're in a relationship or even headed there, so it's fine. A day is not even a big deal, but he sends flowers to my work to make up for it, which makes Hollister give me a look that says it all. Like getting flowers from another guy proves that I am the whore he thinks I am.

Dshawn texts a few times as well to tell me he's sorry for standing me up and asking to reschedule, but I haven't responded to him yet. I don't know why, but him standing me up hurt just as badly as what Hollister did to me, albeit in a different way.

On Wednesday I call Aston, begging him to take my mind off things. I tell him what happened with Hollister, something I haven't even told Caroline, even though we've talked three times already. She's coming over on Saturday anyway to go clubbing, so I guess I'll tell her everything then.

"I told you that boy was trouble," Aston says, never above telling me I told you so. He may be 28, but he's got the maturity of a 4-year-old sometimes. "How about this... I'll come over with pizza around dinner time, and we'll finally have the Bring it on marathon you promised me. I'm having a dry spell this week because no one seems to want to go home with me for some reason, so I could use some sexy cheerleaders to ogle."

I grin and agree to let him come over. What I didn't expect was for him to bring someone. And not just someone, but Dshawn. They both walk in like they own the place, flopping down on my couch and putting their feet up on my coffee table. At least they've got the pizzas Aston promised to bring.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" I ask, motioning at Dshawn. "And take your shoes off if you're gonna do that. This is my place, not your own filthy stink hole."

"Damn, so touchy," Aston comments, frowning up at me. "I thought you said you and her are friends as well?" he asks Dshawn.

"He's not my friend," I shoot back, giving Dshawn the stink eye.

With a sigh, Dshawn gets up and motions for me to follow him into my kitchen, just far enough away for Aston not to hear us over the opening credits of the first Bring it on movie that he put on like he owns my goddamn TV remote.

"I'm sorry," he says, leaning in slightly so he doesn't have to talk too loudly. That means that he's close. Too close. "I know I suck. A friend needed me. I totally spaced about meeting up with you. I'm really sorry, Shaughna."

"Look, it's fine. I was just doing you a favor," I say with a sigh. "I'm sure you have a good explanation. Let's just go watch a movie."

"Can we reschedule?" he asks, glancing at Aston. I realize that he's talking to me about it in hushed tones because he doesn't want Aston to know about his plans. Maybe I'm really one of the only people who know he wants to get out of IT and own his own business. "I really enjoyed the other night and it's just so nice to finally talk to someone about everything. I only tagged along tonight because I had a feeling you were purposefully ignoring my texts. It's just... I know what I want now."

"Oh?" I can't help but be curious. "A club, right?"

He nods. "Yes, a club. I love going out and dancing and I think that a club would be fun to promote as well. I was thinking like... theme nights, you know? Golden oldies on Thursdays, hip-hop on Mondays, things like that. And of course wicked parties for Halloween, New Year's, all the big holidays. Maybe even a mystery night once a month where everyone gets a mask when they come in, so no one will now exactly who they're dancing with until they get outside."

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