#3 My slutty mentor

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"Thanks, gorgeous!" I give the guy who just bought me a drink a kiss on the cheek before taking off. He's cute, but too young for me. I don't ever spend money in the club, preferring to flirt for drinks, so it's always a win for me to get a guy to buy me a drink.

"Another one?" Francesca asks when I pop up next to her, grinning. "Damn girl, you really know how to charm guys into buying you stuff."

Francesca and I have been friends for four years now. We met when we worked as waitresses at the restaurant I still work at. She left Giovanni's two years ago when she finished college, but we kept in touch. I don't know all that much about her, when I really think about it, but she knows how to party and so do I, which makes us a great fit for nights like this.

"To dumb motherfuckers spending their money on us!" I hold up my new drink in a toast before downing half of it. I offer the rest of it to Francesca, who sips it with a smile on her face.

Once the drink is burning down both of our throats, I slam the glass back down on the bar and pull Francesca with me to the dancefloor. We start grinding on each other, knowing that this is a surefire way to get attention from guys. Sure enough, I feel hands on my hips only a minute into our sexy dance, pulling me away from Franny. She winks at me and mouths the word 'hot' to me, so I feel pretty confident when I stick out my ass and start grinding against the guy behind me. Another hottie snatches Fran up within seconds, so we're both taken care of for the night.

When I turn around to see what I've got to work with, I narrow my eyes at the guy holding me. I know him. And there's no way I'm sleeping with him.

"Aston," I say, rolling my eyes.

He grins, his hands still on my hips as he moves to the beat. "My favorite slut."

I grin and pull him in for a hug. Aston has been a good friend of mine for years now, and he's a beautiful specimen, but there's no way we're ever ending up in bed together. He pretty much taught me half of the tricks I use in the club, and he's proud to call himself my mentor. He's not, but try telling Aston that.

After a few more songs he pulls me to the exit, inhaling deeply when we're on the street in front of the club, finally able to get some fresh air into our lungs. The cold air sobers me up a little, although I'm still buzzed. His eyes are red, which leads me to believe he's stoned. Not an uncommon state for Aston to be in.

"Trying to lure unsuspecting guys into your bed?" Aston asks, grinning at me.

I roll my eyes. "Like you're not doing the same thing with girls."

"Hell yeah!" He shows me a picture of a girl with her boobs out, sticking out her tongue to the camera. "Look at this one. Last night, three hours of insanity. I'm tempted to just call it a night and hit her up again."

Poor girl. She's got no idea who she got in bed with last night. Aston is a great friend, but he's the shittiest boyfriend ever. Not that I've ever been in a relationship with him, but a friend of mine from college has been, and she still insists that those were the three most miserable months of her life. He's not even very good at being fuckbuddies, ghosting girls left and right. Aston is not the relationship type, just like me. We met at a party during my first year of college and he immediately recognized me as a player, just like him. Since I was just coming out of a seriously fucked-up relationship and new to the world of one-night stands, fumbling around and getting myself in all sorts of uncomfortable situations, Aston took me under his wing and taught me all about the morals of being a player – or a slut, since girls don't get the title player assigned to them for some reason.

First rule: never catch feelings. I've been really good at that so far.

Second rule: don't meddle in other people's relationships. That means no guys who are married, engaged or in a relationship. That one's tricky, since guys tend to lie about that. I've never purposefully messed with someone's boyfriend, fiancé or husband, but by accident... yeah, shit happens. The girl code also falls under this rule. No hooking up with your friends' boyfriend or ex-boyfriends or even their fuckbuddies. Just don't mess with anyone your friends have been with.

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