#10 Worst timing ever

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"I slept with Dshawn again."

I turn around with wide eyes, staring at my best friend. She's sitting on my couch and I'm in the kitchen, getting us a beer and a glass of water, since Caroline doesn't want any alcohol right now. Why would she, if she's still high on riding the guy that I kissed a few days ago?

"When?" I ask, trying to sound curious instead of in a total state of panic. Please tell me that they're not falling madly in love. Please tell me I didn't kiss my best friend's current boyfriend. Ex I can deal with, but this...

"Last weekend," she says, taking the glass of ice-cold water from me with a smile. "Remember that I told you I had two dates in one day?"

"Yeah, Paul and Darius," I recall. "You never told me what happened with Darius."

That's because we hardly talked this week, of course. We called and texted, but we didn't really talk, because I knew I had to fess up about kissing Dshawn and I didn't want to just spit it out over the phone. I was planning on doing it today, when she's over here for our night out anyway, but now I'm not so sure if that's a good idea anymore.

"Darius was a complete waste of time." She rolls her eyes, raking her hands through her light brown hair. "I wanted to have a one-night stand for once and just let loose, and he got me to his apartment in like... thirty minutes, tops. But then it turned out that he thought that I wasn't even worth five minutes of his time to get me off and he was rude, so I took off."

"Asshole," I say, just praying that she will get on with the story. I don't care about goddamn Darius. I want to know when and how and why she was screwing Dshawn. And if she's planning on doing it again. "How does Dshawn fit into this?"

"I got drunk and texted him after that disastrous date, and he drove up on Saturday. And then we had sex." Caroline laughs a little at the memory and I hear myself asking her how it was, even though all I can think about is the word Saturday. So that's why he forgot all about having lunch with me and didn't even text me about it. He was too busy driving three fucking hours for a booty call with my best friend. My friend who is telling me all the dirty details about sleeping with Dshawn. I try to listen, hearing something about him jizzing on her chest, handcuffs and nipple clamps.

"You go girl," I say weakly, knowing that I need to at least pretend to be engaged in the story.

"And then," Caroline says, smiling sadly, "I started crying."

"Wait – what?" I lean forward, my elbows on my knees. "You cried after having sex with Dshawn?"

"Yeah, I was totally sleeping with him for the wrong reasons," she explains. "He was actually really sweet and comforted me. We talked for hours about Nathan and all my fucked-up feelings and then we went furniture shopping."

"Furniture shopping?" I mean, Caroline's stories are always a little hard to follow, a bit on the rambling side of the spectrum, but this is a whole new level of weirdness.

When she starts explaining, I actually listen this time. When she and Nathan met, he was clearing out his parents' apartment because his father died and his mother moved out, and he ended up giving Caroline most of their old furniture. Dshawn insisted that Caroline needed to break free from him and focus on herself for a while – smart guy – and he helped her pick out new furniture and put it together. She rambles on about some minor details before dropping a bombshell.

"And I found out that Dshawn actually loved me."

"He loves you?" I ask, feeling like I might just throw up. How can he love her and kiss me a few days after being in bed with her? This can't be true.

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