#5 Toasty balls

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Joshua is a little surprised to be picking me up at another guy's apartment in an outfit that suggests I have been doing a lot more than sleeping, but he laughs when I tell him how I actually spent my night. Turns out he was watching the race as well, although he assures me that he gladly would have turned it off for me.

"Want to go do something?" he suggests as he pulls up to my place. "I've got the entire day off, so we could go out for a bite? Or maybe take a walk in the park or something?"

"Like a date?" I ask him, not sure how I feel about that. Of course I go on dates sometimes – I don't always pick up guys in the club, I enjoy the occasional dinner or some other date activity as much as the next girl. It's different when I've already slept with the guy, though. This would sort of be a third date, which isn't a number I get to very often. Third hook-up, sure, but third date... Nah.

"Sure," he shrugs. "Or just two friends hanging out. I didn't think you cared about labels all that much. I'm here, you're here, we've both got nothing better to do. Why not hang out?"

That logic is pretty flawless, except for one little thing... "How do you know I've got nothing better to do? Maybe I've got work in a few hours. Or maybe I'm meeting friends or going to my parents' place for lunch or... I don't know, maybe I'm about to leave for the moon to save the world."

"Are you?" Joshua asks, grinning.

I shake my head. "No, but I could!"

"Of course, baby, you could save the world by going to the moon," he agrees, shaking his head at me. "So, what do you say?"

I shrug. He's right, I really don't have anything going on today. And he's nice to be around, so why not spend the day with him? I tell him to wait outside, not ready for him to see my mess of an apartment. I hardly ever bring guys into my apartment. I used to back in college, but ever since I moved out of the big house I shared with a bunch of other girls and got a place of my own, I've been picky about who to bring in here. When I get exceptionally horny and my place is closer than his I sometimes cave, but I prefer having sex somewhere I can leave whenever I want to without having to kick a guy out first.

When I'm showered and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, I head back out to see Joshua still sitting in his car, eyes closed as he sings along to the radio. His blonde curls bounce around as he nods along with the beat, making him look so young and cute. I realize I've got no idea how old he is. I'd say around my age, so 25 or something, but I can't be sure. Right now, he looks younger.

"Hey!" he says with a smile when I slide back into the passenger's seat. "You look cute. I thought we could go to this restaurant I discovered a week ago. It's not fancy or anything, but they have great meatballs."

"Sure," I agree. "Let's do that. By the way... how old are you?"

He glances in the mirrors before pulling away and hitting the accelerator. "21."

"Oh shit," I mumble. I mean, he's legal and everything, but I don't usually sleep with guys who are that much younger than me.

Joshua looks at me for a brief moment, a frown appearing on his face. "Is that a problem?"

"No," I say, but I'm lying. It's not just the age thing, it's everything he told me. He had a girlfriend for three years and they only broke up recently, which means that they met when he was 17 or 18, probably still in high school. And he's in college, sleeping with me, a 25-year-old waitress and bartender. Yeah, this is not what either of us signed up for. "Look..." I say, already regretting going on this friend date with him. "Maybe we should just call it a day."

"What?" he hit the breaks because we're at a stoplight, but he's not quite smooth about it, so I jerk forward and huff at him. "Why would we do that? I thought we got along just fine?"

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