~Chapter 8

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After they left the restaurant, they booked the hotel's tour around the city, they were in an open back jeep, so they could get a good view of the city. Their first destination was the animal park.
They arrived at the animal park. They alighted the car and were walking around the place as the tour guide was narrating the history of the place.

"You guys can explore on your own, I'll be by the car if you need me." The tour guide said with his thick German accent.

"Alright." Jafar replied. Jannah was in complete awe. She was such a nature and animal person, so she was bound to enjoy the place.

"Oh my God, look." Jannah exclaimed, pointing at a bear cub.

"It's so cutee." She cooed as she moved closer to their cage.

"They are cute, no doubt. But not as cute as me." Jafar also admired the cubs. But he admired himself more. Obviously.

"Tabarakallah Maa Shaa Allah." Jannah added as she took pictures of the cubs and their mama. She just rolled her eyes at his self praise.
They moved on to the wolves, and jannah was just as excited about the wolves as she was of the cubs.

"I can't believe I didn't come here with my camera." She sulked to herself. She didn't really talk to jafar. She spoke more to herself than jafaar, but he didn't mind. He enjoyed seeing her free, happy, and all giddy.

"We can always come back here, y'know?" Jafar said, raising his brow.

"Yeah, yeah."
They saw various other animals like leopards, seals, Eagle owls, musk oxens, gophers, and monkeys. Jannah enjoyed every bit of it. This was one of her safe zones. Nature always gives her calm, right from childhood.

They left the animal park and headed to the Aare River. The river was absolutely stunning. The sun rays that hit the river made the turquoise water shimmer and shine.

"This is the famous Aare River, It originated from the Oberaar glacier in the Eastern Bernese Alps." The tour guide explained as they walked further.

"Over the millennia, the water has eroded a 1.4 kilometres -long path up to 200 metres deep through the rock known as the Aare Gorge."

We got into an inflatable kayak as the tour guide continued explaining the history of the river.

"Woah, careful there." Jafar said as Jannah wobbled into the kayak.

"I won't fall." She replied.

"Oh really?" He retorted with a quirked brow.

"Yes, really." Jannah rolled her eyes.

"We'll see about that." Jafar whispered so only he could hear. Just then, he shook the kayak, causing her to fall. He wanted her to fall in the centre of the kayak, but she happened to fall on him, and he held her firmly. The look on her face was absolutely priceless, and he couldn't help but burst out into fits of laughter.

Jannah finally recollected herself and gasped when everything dawned on her, "How dare you?" She exasperated.

Jafar, who was still laughing, said, "I thought.... I thought you said you wouldn't fall?"

The tour guide was just staring at them in awe. They looked cute even though they were arguing. And finally, Jafar's annoying laughter came to an end.

"I thought you'd never shut up." Jannah said. She was actually annoyed.

"And I think you don't want to get off me, is my body that comfortable, eh?" He teased her, and that was when she realised the position they were in. They were in such close proximity. Her face was just a few centimetres away from his, and he was still holding her arms so she wouldn't be completely on him.

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