~Chapter 9

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We're back to our khalil

"Ya khalil, we're sorry. Please forgive us." Yusuf and Malik pleaded.

"Nahh, you're not sorry yet. Trust me." He said as he relaxed on his chair. He was currently punishing Yusuf and Malik for throwing his phone and teasing him. What's the punishment?
Hmm, they were in the compound of their house under the scorching sun, kneeling down and flying their hands while carrying kettles filled with rocks and half-way filled dispenser bottles on their heads.

"Ya khalil, please. DanAllah kayi hakuri, wallahi, we won't do it again." Malik begged.

"Maaamiiii, please save us." Yusuf screamed. He was on the verge of crying. They've been there for almost three hours. And to add to it, all their siblings were there enjoying the show. Imagine. Well, except the kids, they were out with Nawal.

"Maama, Ammii, Baaba. Please save us." Yusuf shouted yet again.

"Better save your energy. They won't hear you." Khalil said, sipping his cold zobo.(hibiscus drink)

"Yaya, please forgive them." Amna and Amra pleaded on their behalf.

"Yes, please let it go, Ya khalil." Usman added.

"No way, Ya khalil, don't let them go so easily." Jiddah opposed. She was enjoying every bit of it.

"Ya khalil no mercy." Yusra was also enjoying it.

"Ya khalil, I'm sure they regret what they did by now. Please let them go." Mahmud said, trying to reason with khalil, but he was adamant.

"Mahmud is right, Ya khalil." Jalal sided with mahmud.

"All of you better shut up if you don't want to join them." Khalil said with so much non-chalance.


"Sorry oo."


"Calm down."

"Me yayi zafi?"

"Abeg oo."

"Let me carry myself one side, jeje." Amra, amna, usman, jidda, yusra, mahmud, and jalal all said at once.

"Better..." Khalil didn't finish his sentence when he heard mami shouting his name.
"Khalil... Khalil, what's going on?" She said as she came out of the main house along with Maama and Ammi. Baba was out of town for a business meeting.

"Mami na. Good afternoon, Maama, Ammi." He stood up and greeted, to which they answered.

"Don't mami me, what're you doing to my babies? What torture."

"Mami, I'm just giving them a tiny easy punishment, I'm being nice, fa."

"What did they do, or it's just your wickedness?"

"No, mami, these two think they've grown wings. They were disrespecting me, and to top it all, they threw my brand new phone, fa mami. My phone." Everyone knew how protective he was of his phone and how obsessed he was with it.

"You can always get a new phone if anything happens to my children, koh. You'll birth another for me." Mami said, giving him a pointed look.

"Now go and get those things of them." Mami added.

"Mahmud, Jalal. Go and help them." Ammi said.

"Okay, ammi." They replied and went to where yusuf and malik were and took the bottles and kettles off them. They collapsed on the carpet grass immediately. Mahmud and Jalal had to help them up and held them so they could walk.

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