CHAPTER 5 - I Don't Wanna Work - I Wanna Bang (with my new boyfriend) All Day

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By mid-week, the pace between the workday and working out filled a lot of the void. Of course, I received absolutely adorable texts from Chris. Mostly featuring Dodger videos of his latest antics. Telling me that he can't wait to see me again and that Daddy has been teaching him how to be on his absolute best behavior and not knock me down again. I laughed when he showed me Dodgers talent to sing along with the old tune of The Lion Sleeps Tonight. The howling didn't go unnoticed by Bruin who was nearby. Ears tilting backwards and eyes all round and wide. It took a little bit of coaxing to convince him that everything was okay & that Dodger really wasn't in the house. Just him and I.

By late Thursday afternoon I was in the zone doing some accounting when the doorbell rang. Checking on my RING App on my phone. I saw it was Amazon. Funny, I didn't order anything from them. Might be the wrong address. I messaged my colleague that I'd be right back to let her know there was a delivery at my front door.

I opened the door and was greeted with a big smile, "Good Afternoon. Ms. L/N?" the delivery man asked.

"Yes." I replied as I opened the door.

"Delivery here for you." He said as he held the item up. I took hold of it and thanked him.

"Thank you. Have a great day." He said as he jogged back down the driveway and into his van and off, he went.

Steve looked at me and nodded, "You and Amazon are like peas and carrots." He said with a wink and smile.

"Yeah, I suppose we are. But I haven't ordered anything from there in the past 2 weeks and everything I've ordered is here." I said as I shook the box a little bit.

"Secret admirer perhaps?" he said with a sly smile. He knew exactly who he was hinting about.

"Maybe." I replied as I playfully stuck my tongue out at him and went back inside the house. I brought the box into my office and messaged my colleague that I was back.

My phone rang immediately, "Soooooooooooo, what did you get?" Leese asked.

"I'm not sure. I didn't order anything from them recently." I said as I took a pair of scissors and sliced the edge of the box open and took out what was inside. As always with Amazon, there is always more box and bubble wrap than the contents inside. Something about the size of a picture frame was wrapped up delicately. Still not seeing what it was. I removed the tissue out of the way, and I let out a small little "Aweeeee".

"What is it??" Leese pressed on.

"It's something that is adorable and thoughtful. And it definitely defines how I feel and for him too I would believe." I replied.

"Ummm, what the hell is it?" she asked with a comical hint of aggravation.

Inside the box was a 12"x12" canvas print. The state of Massachusetts with a heart towards the 495-belt portion of the state. With the words, "My Heart Belongs in Massachusetts." In it, a personalized note, "Teflon, I saw this, and it reminded me of you. It's where our hearts truly are always no matter where we go. Home. Love Chris . . . . and Dodger too.". I felt my heart flutter and a few tears found their way down my cheeks. Since when do I let myself get sappy over things like this? I know I can be sentimental at times, but not this sentimental. Or with these new emotions I'm building inside of me be the reason why I'm starting to show signs of softening up my semi tough exterior? Damn girl, you're losing your touch. Umm, and he signed it "Love" Chris? Okay girl, let's not read to much into that right now, shall we? That's probably something he always wraps up notes with to any random woman in his life. It's like that old cliché saying of "Love 'Ya - Mean It". Most likely what it is I convince myself.

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