CHAPTER 10 - A Trick and A Treat - Halloween

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A favorite time of the year for kids and grownups too. Growing up in the City of Waltham and out in what was once the countryside of Franklin, my brother and I had our fair share of filling up pillowcases of candy on these nights. Some nights we'd brave the elements more than others. Halloweens around here can be colder than others, that's for sure. As we got a little bit older and thought it wasn't cool to wear a winter coat over or even underneath our costumes. Of course, when you live in this area you also had to of least experienced Witches Woods. I took a hard pass at that. Not a fan of being scared and jumping out of my skin. Another choice was to get stuck in traffic if you made the pilgrimage up to the North Shore to go to Salem and stand pretty much shoulder to shoulder with people. Did that a time or two as a teenager. But now, oh heck no. The crowds that go here now are just far beyond what I used to experience. Call me old if you will, but my celebrations of Halloween have scaled back over the years. I've either stayed at home and handed out the candy or went to a few house parties. Yes, that's the speed I am at these days. Low key as I slowly creep closer to my next decade on earth - my 40's. Been there and done that - mostly in my 20's. Just not my scene anymore to fall down a flight of stairs drunk, bounce back up like nothing happened and feeling it every bone in my body the next day. To this day I still don't know how I didn't break any bones, let alone get up and walk away from that.

With it being my first Halloween back home. I had already bought tons of candy to hand out to the kids. Decorated my front entryway with lights, cobwebs and a few ghosts hanging from the trees in the front. I took a giant plastic cauldron and filled it with candy until it nearly overflowed and placed it on the kitchen island. With the sun setting earlier in the year (at least by 5:30 PM - here come those long dark days for months on end). The kids usually start a little after the workday wraps up for most. So, I had made sure that I was prepared. I've seen lots of children in this neighborhood and had no doubt that I'd probably get wiped out before the night was done. A gigantic bag of over 500 pieces of candy should do just fine, right? I hope so.

I took a quick glance at the clock and a quick peek out the kitchen window and saw Chris' car pull into my driveway. He popped the trunk open and retrieved a rather large duffle bag from the back, along with a smaller one and made his way to my front door. He rang the bell and rattled the universal knocking upon the door (you know the one). Knock-Knock-Knock-Knock-Knock .... (pause) Knock Knock! To the tune of Shave And A Haircut - Two Bits! Who doesn't know that, right? I opened the door and saw him standing there with a wide toothy grin.

"Trick or treat! Smell my feet and give me something good to eat!" he said as he held up the duffle bags. "If you don't, I don't care. I'll pull down your underwear!" And I know he wouldn't even hesitate to do that, even if I did give him candy.

I opened the glass door, and he sweetly kissed me, "I don't think that the kids say that anymore these days." I said as our lips parted, and I took a step aside to let him in.

"Well, if they don't. I'm bringing it back and it will trend all over again. You know I'm the cool Uncle after all." He said with a chuckle as he closed the door behind himself.

"No Dodger?" I asked him as I headed upstairs with him trailing right behind me.

"Already at Ma's" he replied as he set the duffle bag upon the bed.

I frowned a little, "Oh, I was kind of hoping that you would've brought your wing dog with you so I could take a picture of him in his costume along with Bruin in his." I replied as Chris pulled out the contents from the duffle bag, which had a garment bag inside of it to conceal the costume it held.

"Ma's got him in his costume now along with her two. I'm sorry that I didn't bring him, I wish you had said something to me." He said as his lips lightly brushed against mine. "But you'll see him later on, trust me you'll love what you see on him."

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