CHAPTER 8 - Introduzione Alla Famiglia Evans

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Traffic heading back down towards Mass was not too bad considering the amount of leaf peepers we saw along the Kancamagus and 93. Normally I'd never put myself amongst the leaf peeping crowds on the weekends. Sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic just isn't my thing in order to see the splashes of color that I can see in my own back yard. But clearly being with him was a total exception to the rule. But at points on 93 and getting closer to 495, people just seemed to forget how to merge from one highway and onto another. Come on people, it's like that little saying that we were taught when we were little, left right, left right ... bread and butter, bread and butter. Heck, if you don't know those. You know how a zipper functions, right?

Just a bit of sarcasm quips emerged from Chris' along the way, and I'm sure that they were curtailed ever so slightly in order not to expose me (just yet) to what is the norm of drivers around here in traffic. It was cute to witness though the gesturing of hands, no middle fingers. But plenty of hand motions suggested otherwise.

Or so I thought. "Use your blinkah 'ya fuckin' moron." Chris grumbles and then quickly realizes that he's in my presence. "Oh god, I'm so sorry."

I chuckle at him, "Oh I agree .... total fuckin' moron." I replied as I gestured to the car before us that merged without said blinker, "Self-explanatory, isn't it?" I said as I pointed out the license plate where they are from.

"Connecticut ...." Chris says with a cute eyeroll, "Might as well be a New Yorker." ((Authors note - if you're not from here - apologies to 'ya - LOL))

"Why is Southwestern Connecticut even a part of New England anyways?" I asked.

Chris had his opinion on that one and I had to agree with what was said. Shall leave it up to you what two people who have Life Just Outside The 617 thinks about people in the 203 (475) area code. Nothin' but love people 😉

As we made our way down 495 to his childhood home, I could feel butterflies in my tummy start to form. And without me even realizing it, my thumb started to spin the ring on my left index finger once more. Damn girl. You're feeling more nervous about this than the first date and the first time you had sex together. How can that be? You want to make that good impression of course, but you're now wondering if your nerves are going to get the best of you now and you're somehow going to fuck things up. I've just always been a nervous nellie when it comes to meeting the parent(s).

His hand reached out for mine and he brought it to his lips and softly kissed them. "They're going to love you." He said as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

Huh? They're going to love me. What? I felt my heart leap up into my throat, "You said they're going to love me?" I asked as I felt the anxiety kick up a notch and it was reflected in the tone of my voice.

"Of course, they will." He replied as he pulled off of 495 to get onto 2, "I know that they will see what I do whenever I am with you. You have such a beautiful smile and personality. I mean, what isn't there to love about you?"

I think Chris wasn't quite hearing what I was trying to convey. I was under the impression that it was going to be the three of us. Or so I thought. Start off small, y'know? And gently ease me into meeting more of the family at another point in time.

Anxiety was already quite visible, thus why he took my hand in his. I cleared my throat quietly, "Ummm, exactly how many will be there for dinner?" I asked nervously.

Chris' eyes softened, "Well, it would be the immediate family." His eyes searched mine as he also kept mind to the road ahead to turn onto 27. "I can cancel this if it's too much for you . . . "

"You'll do no such thing." I replied as I gently squeezed his hand, find your confidence girl, "I'm not going to be a reason why you disappoint your Ma and not show up for Sunday dinner two weeks in a row."

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