CHAPTER 13 - Some Things To Be Thankful For This Year

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With it being November, another big tradition of course is Thanksgiving. After all, the nation's very first Thanksgiving happened right here at Plymouth Plantation in 1621. The site of which nearly every single elementary school child went to on a field trip. But today, I had spent ½ of my day up in Marblehead with my brother and his little family. It was nearly two months since Chris, and I have been seeing one another. There just wasn't enough 'time' really to split between both homes. And for Chris, with his schedule of not always having him home during the course of the year. It's when his extended family and friends could see him more often. Oh, I got a lot of sad puppy dog eyes from him leading up to this day. But I had promised that I would be at the house in the late afternoon or the early part of the evening. I had to sweetly remind him that I had been gone from the area myself for a length of time. And now, being back home, I had my family obligations as well that I needed to do. He's not the only one that grew up around here you know.

As I made my way out the front door of my brother's house, I had two little shadows behind me to assist in bringing more leftovers (and an extra pie) back to Sudbury (and Franklin) with me.

"I'm sure that this will also disappear before I leave that house. I'm meeting a lot more of his family this evening. And I'm pretty sure that it will be consumed one way or another." I said to my sister-in-law and my brother as I gave them hugs.

"Auntie Y/N .... can you make sure that Bruin has the special dessert we made for him?" my little Goddaughter Lilly asked me.

"I'm sure he's going to love the tuna and chicken mix you made especially for him." I said as she handed me a container that was sealed with yards of tinfoil to keep the stink out of my car.

"Auntie Y/N, can you take a video of him eating it and send it to us?" Diana asked me.

"I promise you I will. He will probably even smell it before I get into the house, I'm sure of that." I responded as I closed the hatch of my SUV and turned to crouch down to their height to administer lots of love, hugs, and kisses.

"I'll be seeing you soon. I love you." I said as they backed away from the SUV as I got in. I backed out of the driveway and rolled the window down, "Love you Marshmallow girls!" I said as I waved and drove away.

It was very late afternoon by the time I wound my way out of Marblehead, which wasn't exactly as the crow flies. A mere forty miles away took nearly two and a half hours that evening. He pinged at me as I made my way along 128 South. It had taken me forever and a day just to get myself through Marblehead and Salem just to reach 128, bumper to bumper the entire way naturally. There is never a good way of getting out of the North Shore quickly. And I doubt this state will ever create an easier route to escape this traffic.

C TXT: Hope that your stomach isn't too full from eating at your brother's house.

Y/N TXT: Luckily for you I skipped dessert. Could I have just some of your sweets instead? Those are my favorites in case you haven't figured that out already.

I dictated my reply back to him. Keeping my eyes on the road you know.

C TXT: Oh, don't you worry. My kitchen at home is where I'm planning on utilizing some whipped crème all over on your scrumptious desserts.

Y/N TXT: Naughty boy. Siri is reading me your texts right now. I'm sitting here on 128 in bumper-to-bumper traffic and I'm sure that people around me may have heard that.

A few seconds later my phone rang, and I answered it hands free and lowered the volume.

"I'm thinking that dirty talk straight from the source is better than Siri reading it to you." He replied as soon as the phone call connected.

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