CHAPTER 17 - Planning For Fun ..... and Future

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By the time our flight landed at Logan, baggage claimed, shuttle to long term parking, picking up the fur kids and making our way back to Concord, it was nearly 5:00 PM when we got home. It had been a very long day at this point. We decided to just chill out and relax at home while Bruin and Dodger got reacquainted with us and the house once more by making running sprints to nearly every single room. It was as if they had to remember every square inch of the house that they hadn't been in for nearly a week.

"So you only work for ½ day tomorrow, right?" Chris asked me as he came back down the hallway with his laptop open and he logged into our local grocery store website and thank goodness for quick reflexes because Dodger came bounding past him as he and Bruin were chasing one another, nearly knocking Chris and the laptop onto the floor. He bobbled it for a second and got ahold of it. Great save there honey.

"I'll be done at noon time. After that, we can start." I replied as I opened up one of the pantry doors and peeked inside.

"Perfect timing as I've got a Zoom interview to do at ten." He said as he continued to type, "You said apple cider vinegar?"

"I did. Actually, add dill to the spice list too. I didn't see any in the cabinet." I said as I held a handful of recipes in my hand.

"You know babe, we could've had this all being catered, and we could sit back and relax." He said giving me a wink.

"Sure, we could've. Think of it this way though, it gets more experience of you being in the kitchen." I said as I stood up, "Oh, add buttermilk and almond milk to the list please."

"It might end up the last time we host a party though with me cooking in the kitchen." He chuckled as he typed away.

"I have every ounce of confidence in you. I promise we won't put anything out there that isn't deemed worthy for ourselves to eat." I continued, "Oh, and add some cinnamon too."

This small intimate gathering, we decided to throw for NYE ended up ballooning to about 75 people. I knew that I wanted just a small handful of my friends there. The rest were people that Chris grew up with or worked with at some point. Now that we are engaged, apparently, he wanted me to meet a lot more people in his life. Did that make me nervous? I will fess up and say that added a little bit to my anxiety. At least I thought I was hiding it well until Chris caught me fiddling with my ring on my index finger.

"Are you going to spin that right off?" he asked me as a small smirk appeared on his lips, "We can have other things made in advance and pick them up. Party platters of cheese and crackers, fruit, veggies, deviled eggs......"

"Tell you what, I'll say yes to party platter trays, all except for the deviled eggs. Not to pat myself on the back, but I am. You've tried those and have said to me they're the best you've ever had."

He started to chuckle at me, "Well they are." He replied.

"Stroke my kitchen ego a little bit more there Evans." I said, placing the recipes on the kitchen island and walked over to him. He reached for me and pulled me onto his lap to face the screen.

"You know what I like the best?" he asked me.

"Making things that have less ingredients and less time in the kitchen?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

His lips pursed together, "Alright ..... alright, I deserve that one. I'll allow it. But that's not what I like the best."

"Than what is it then?" I asked him as I nuzzled my nose up against the scruff on his cheek.

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