CHAPTER 14 - Bubble Wrap Being Used For It's Intended Purpose

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By Friday afternoon, I was bouncing off the walls trying to get so much more done. Thankfully I took the day off from work to get pretty much the rest of the house packed up into boxes. Made my millionth phone call to U-Haul to make sure that I had the truck I needed for first thing on Saturday morning. A bit overdoing it perhaps, but I didn't want any monkey wrenches thrown in my direction once the day began tomorrow. Even though Chris promised me a million times himself that he'd take care of anything that might throw the day off for me. I'm just a little bit of a control freak when it comes to planning and wanting things to go smoothly without a hitch. Something that would melt over to slight anxiety if I didn't have all my ducks lined up in a row. I've got to work on that. Allowing others to do it for me and not always throwing it all upon my shoulders only. There's someone in my life over the past few months who wants to be there and help whenever he can. I had been so used to doing things on my own for so long, that I tend to forget to take him up on things whenever he's offered.

Glancing at my iWatch, it was close to 8:00 PM. I had pretty much been going nonstop all day. And I hadn't even bothered to stop and eat a meal. Or have a snack for that matter. I was in a total fast forward mode and just kept on going like the energizer bunny. I went into my kitchen to see if I had anything at all in my cabinets. Then recalled how I gave all the rest of my food away to my neighbors because I didn't want to pack it. I packed all of my spices and other dried goods. Everything else either went to someone who could use it, or it went into the trash.

I gazed down at Dodger who was at my side along with Bruin. Both of whom I made sure to feed during the course of my hectic day, full bellies for each of them. They pretty much kept each other entertained in between their naps. You'd swear that the two of them have been lifelong pals with the way they've taken a shine to one another. And to think both Chris and I were skeptical about how they'd be together. Tom and Jerry or two animals who really didn't know that the perception of them was to be enemies. But they've become fast friends. Now, you cannot seem to separate the two when they are together.

"Do you guys want to share your food with me?" I jokingly asked them which elicited a head boop on my leg from Bruin and a rapid-fire tail wagging from Dodger. "You both would, wouldn't you?" I asked.

I reached for my purse that was on the kitchen counter and grabbed my keys, "Mommy will be right back. Need to get something to eat before I...........". I stumbled a bit by the kitchen sink as I reached out to grab ahold of something. I could feel my brain starting to feel woozy and the images before me of Dodger and Bruin became a blur before I hit the floor. The world around me is fading and turning black. Oh shit.

I don't even know how long I passed out for. But when I came to, I could hear the sounds of voices far away, beeps from machines and the sounds of footsteps off in the distance. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and squinted to adjust to the light around me. I found myself in a dimly lit room with a curtain somewhat drawn around me. Where the hell am I? What on earth happened here? I looked down to see that I was in bed wearing a hospital gown. Oh, for fucks sake. I was in a hospital. Well, isn't this just peachy? Less than 24 hours to go before the move and I'm in here? What the hell?

I glanced over to my right to see Chris' hands holding onto my right hand and his head resting upon it. My eyes peeked up at the clock on the wall, 12:15 AM. Good grief, how long have I been here for? I know the sun was down when I wanted to head out to grab a bite to eat. Obviously, I never made it out the door to get the nourishment I so needed to have. And I know darn well that I had glucose tablets. However, they, like everything else in that house, were packed up in boxes and ready to journey up the highway tomorrow and into a new location in Concord. Why didn't I keep my little travel portion in my purse? Oh that's right, you downsized your purse and it couldn't fit in there so you left it out. Great move there Y/N. Mentally inside was cursing that I put myself into this predicament by my own merit. What was I thinking? I've only passed out one other time before. You'd think once was enough. But apparently, I wanted it to happen again, and right before a big moment in life with Chris. Way to go Y/N.

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