CHAPTER 16 - To Logan .... and Beyond!

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I lay there in bed, listening to the alarm go off in the distance. Neither of us want to move at all to press the button and make it go away. It's been going off like this for what seems like forever. And neither of us are falling back to sleep. And we both don't want to seem to leave the warmth of the bed we are in.

"You do it." I mumbled in the darkness of our bedroom in between the chimes going off.

I hear what I decipher as pretend snoring beside me. Is he for real right now? I felt the bed move when the alarm went off like five minutes ago. I know he's awake like me.

"You set it the alarm .... you do it." He mumbled back into his pillow, and I felt the covers being pulled over our heads.

If the phone was right beside me on the nightstand like it normally would be, I would've pressed the snooze button by now. But one of his last actions before bed last night was putting the phone purposely in the bathroom to charge up in there and forcing us out of bed to shut it off. Sure, that ingenious idea is working really well at the moment.

"Can't .... legs don't want to move." I replied as I put the pillow over my face to help block out the sound of the alarm. This 3:30 AM alarm was his idea. And it feels so very harsh at the moment. I know what lies ahead for the day, and I'm truly excited for all the memories that we are going to be making over the next several days. But oh, sweet lord, it feels like I just shut my eyes a few minutes ago. Craving more sleep.

I feel the bed move a bit again and what feels like him vacating his side of the bed. Just seconds later the covers are whipped off of me and he scoops me up in his arms. This sudden intrusion of the refuge I was seeking beneath the warm blankets stuns me more awake at this point as he walks us into the bathroom, he leans over with me to grab my phone and turn the annoying alarm off.

Gently placing my feet to the floor, he kisses my forehead and lets out a morning grumble of a few incoherent words. I respond back with my own grumbles as he makes his way over to the shower to turn it on to get the water to a suitable temperature for the two of us to shower and ger ready to head out the door.

Having to be at Logan for 6 AM was a must. It makes me wonder who booked the flight out of Boston so early? I believe I know who it was, but I can't blame the biggest kid in the crew on it. I'm sure that he consulted with the entire family about it. But I'll fess up and say I'm exhausted as I expected to be. Getting to my friend's house at an early hour to drop both Dodger and Bruin off was hard.

But once he had showered and was fully awake, it was as if he had 10 cups of coffee. Like a little kid – the energy kicked in and he was super excited to go to Disney. As was I, but I just didn't have the same energy level as he did. Hmm, a slight glimpse into the future if we should ever have a baby together. He's got morning energy vibes like I've never seen. He could take the overnight shifts for feedings and diaper changes I thought to myself. Putting the cart before the horse again you are Y/N. Let's just get past the new feeling of being underneath the same roof as this man, shall we?

A little after 5:00 AM is when we got to North Weymouth. My high school bestie hadn't met Chris yet either at this point, and she very enthusiastically said yes to watching Dodger and Bruin. For she had the same pets in her home as well and had room for all.

Before I could even get out of the car, she came outside of the house – quietly – showing her excitement that we were there. I hugged her when she came over to me.

"Oh my God, I can't believe that you're finally here!" she whispered as I smiled and gave her the look that said "don't freak out" on it. I could recall our moments together growing up and she would get super excited over things. She nodded quickly as Chris got out of the other side of the car, retrieving Bruin in his pet taxi and Dodger on his leash.

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