Chapter 3: Character Introduction: Ichinose Honami

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I apologize for the humor not landing. I'll strictly adhere to your rules going forward, keeping the narrative in first-person POV from Oreki Kagenou's perspective and avoiding jokes entirely. Here's the revised passage:

The dorm hallway stretched before me, a clinical white with identical doors lining either side. You swiped your card on the reader by your assigned unit, the far-left room on the fourth floor. It wasn't the most glamorous location, but practicality trumped nonexistent bad luck in your book.

The door hissed open, revealing a spartan living space. Bare walls, a utilitarian desk and chair, and a single bed dominated the room. There was a certain efficiency to its simplicity, a clean slate upon which to build your new life at ANHS.

After unpacking the essentials and stowing your belongings, a restless energy thrummed through you. The gymnasium beckoned, a chance to mingle with your new classmates. But before that, there was the question of supplies. Keyaki Mall, the school's commercial district, awaited.

A glance at your phone confirmed the time: 4:55. You spent a few minutes navigating the device's impressive features. Gone were the clunky phones of your previous school. This marvel boasted a friend-finder app - a testament to your existing social circle.

Then there was the OAA app, Nagumo's one saving grace. It streamlined communication and organization within the school. But something sparked in your mind - a mischievous glint.

What if there was an app that challenged the social hierarchy? An app where cunning and strategy ruled. Where the rich could leverage their resources against the have-nots, Nagumo would salivate over such a thing.

(inspired from motivated to be lazy)

A determined look crossed your face. You, Oreki Kagenou, would be the architect of this digital playground. You envisioned a system where students could pay others to do their chores, run errands, or even complete schoolwork - a microcosm of the real world, all within the confines of ANHS.

The minutes ticked by as you delved deeper into the phone's capabilities, the app idea taking root in your mind. By the time you looked up, the golden light of the afternoon sun slanted through the window, casting long shadows across the room. It was 5:40. Time to mingle (or more accurately, observe) at the class 2-B gathering. The true test, it seemed, was about to begin.

--Skip to gymnasium--

You pushed open the gymnasium doors and stepped into the brightly lit interior. The air buzzed with anticipation as students milled about, waiting for the event to begin. A quick glance at your watch confirmed you were ten minutes early. No matter. At least you could scope out the scene before the crowds descended.

Your eyes scanned the room, landing on a few faces you recognized but not from my class, because of a certain commotion, but I am not the type to bow to others, and I make my own rules whether my class likes it or not, anyways I am gonna be the leader soon enough...

A flicker of satisfaction sparked within you. You'd spent the downtime memorizing names. Most of the freshmen were now etched in your memory, and you knew all the second-years. Third years would have to wait until tonight – you weren't about to waste an entire evening cramming names.

In the center of the gymnasium, a figure captivated your attention. There, amidst the controlled chaos, stood Ichinose Honami, the picture of effortless grace. Her back-length hair, the color of ripe strawberries, cascaded down her back in soft waves, catching the light like spun gold. Her eyes, a clear, vibrant blue, sparkled with intelligence and warmth. She possessed a well-toned figure, her average height accentuated by the way she carried herself – confident and poised. The description of her beauty in the book was no exaggeration. She was hypnotizing my eyes, to the point I couldn't take my eyes off her.

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