Chapter 13: Money, Money, and Money

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Character Introduction Class 1D, 5: Oka Kiyomi

Appearance: Very well-endowed body, Has a red ribbon on her ponytail.

Hair: Black, straight.

Eyes: Crimson

Height: 5'7

Physique: average,

Expression: warm

Demeanor: Affectionate

Overall Impression: A beautiful girl which is easy to approach, and has a good social status.

Personality: She has most of the personality of Ichinose in the way that she is kind, and may act childish at times, but she is also very competitive and calm like Horikita. (I think this is a good way to describe someone's personality since you already know the people I mentioned)

Current social status: Class D's social 'queen'

--Internal Monologue starts--

"print('Hello, world!')"

That line of code echoing in my head like a catchy pop tune. (But hey, at least it's a sign I'm primed and ready to code, right?) And who can blame me for wanting to create a cash-grabbing app for this school of high rollers? Seriously, 50k yen average income? These kids must bathe in money like Scrooge McDuck! (Though, living peacefully for consists of only 10k Yen, like how Kiyotaka does(I will avenge you brother))

My app idea? Oh, it's a doozy. An app for chore outsourcing? Genius, in an impishly chaotic kind of way. Imagine the classifieds section: "Bio homework - 500 yen, no dissections involved!" "Guaranteed A+ on history essay - negotiable, but I expect snacks." It'd be a virtual marketplace of servitude, fueled by both laziness and ambition.

Now, hold on a second. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. There's the whole "getting everyone to use the app consistently" hurdle to jump, not to mention the "people might exploit it for nefarious purposes" factor. (Someone offering to do your gym class for a measly 100 yen? Recipe for disaster!)

Still, the potential for profit is undeniable. The key will be striking a balance – user-friendly but chaos-proof. (Maybe a rating system to weed out unreliable chore-doers? And for the love of all things academic, a cap on those history essay offers before someone barters their lunch for a semester's worth of homework!)

This app idea has legs. Just remember, with great monetization schemes comes great responsibility. (And a whole lot of debugging when the app inevitably gets overloaded with students trying to pawn off their chores.) But hey, if I pull it off, I just might become the richest (and busiest) student in school. Just gotta make sure I have enough ramen on hand to fuel those coding marathons.

Now you know what I have been doing for the 2 days straight, it was a marathon of only eating Ramen and staring at the screen writing non-comprehendible language's' (python and a bit of C++. What a headache)

--Internal Monologue ends--

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