Chapter 9: Oreki x deals

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Character Introduction Class 1D, 1: Oreki Kagenou


Hair: Black, windblown (as if by a constant breeze)

Eyes: Dark brown, sharp, and intelligent

Height: 5'9

Physique: Well-defined, sculpted (from unseen training) hinting at hidden strength

Expression: Hint of a smirk, suggesting a mischievous personality

Attire: Crisp, clean uniform that hangs effortlessly on his athletic build

Demeanor: Casual, relaxed, observant

Overall Impression: Handsome, captivating, intriguing, like a puzzle waiting to be solved

Personality: Oreki Kagenou wasn't one for fanfare. Despite his undeniable handsomeness, with dark, windblown hair framing sharp, intelligent eyes, he projected a quiet confidence. His average height was deceptive, hiding a well-defined physique sculpted through unseen training. He observed the bustling hallway with a detached coolness, a hint of a smirk occasionally flickering across his lips, hinting at a mischievous personality concealed beneath the surface. His movements were casual and graceful, his crisp uniform hanging effortlessly on his athletic build. There was an air of intrigue about him, a captivating puzzle waiting to be unraveled. He was efficient, perhaps even a little mischievous, but undeniably captivating.

Current social status: Right hand man of Hosen.

------------Story Starts--------------

The anticipatory thrum resonated in my chest as potently as a double espresso. Today was the day. Yesterday, I, Oreki Kagenou, didn't play with just against Ayanokouji, the ever-enigmatic enigma, but also against Horikita, the ice queen with a hidden fire, and Ichinose, the sunshine personified with a cunning edge.

The morning routine went on autopilot – wake up, eat, survive chagrining encounters with Kushida (seriously, I hate her, but I can't show it, I also want to laugh at her someone help me), and saunter into the hallowed halls of Advanced Nurturing High School.

Now, you might be wondering, what could possibly make this school more exciting than simply watching Kiyotaka squirm under pressure? Let me tell you. My second goal? To become a millionaire within the first month of this educational...institution.

And with that sweet, sweet cash, I have something truly audacious planned. Something no one in this school's history has even dared to attempt. Maybe it's because they haven't had the "fortune" of being blessed (or perhaps cursed) with a delightfully chaotic school president like Nagumo. But who am I to complain? This exploitable situation is practically begging to be manipulated, and manipulate it I shall.

Stifling a smirk, I endured yet another round of tedious lectures. For someone like me, with my mind constantly whirring with calculations and strategies, these classes were little more than background noise. But the anticipation brewing within me kept me engaged. Today was the day I'd receive confirmation from Ichinose about the deal we'd struck.

You might scoff, questioning my unwavering confidence. But the deal itself was a masterpiece. A Pandora's Box, irresistible in its allure. The benefits for Ichinose's class were undeniable, a symphony of advantages that would drown out any potential doubts. They simply wouldn't be able to resist.

The lunch bell blared, signaling the welcome break. Yet, a niggling unease gnawed at me. My phone, usually a constant companion buzzing with notifications, remained stubbornly silent. A quick check revealed the culprit: a dead battery. Relief washed over me as I switched it on, two unread messages glaring back at me (1st years didn't communicate with each other much until the island exam ofc.). One from a group chat, the other, as expected, from Ichinose.

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