Chapter 20: I, Love, You

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Character Introduction Class 1D, 12: Seta Daichi


Hair: Short, neatly styled. Maybe dark brown or black, and always well-maintained. It could be slightly spiky or swept to the side, depending on the occasion.

Eyes: Sharp, intelligent eyes that seem to miss nothing. Their color could be anything from a deep brown to a a cool gray. They hold a focus and intensity that hint at his fighting prowess.

Height: Average, but he carries himself with confidence that makes him seem taller. He doesn't slouch and his posture exudes a quiet strength.

Physique: Despite his average looks, Seta has a certain undeniable charisma. People tend to take notice of him, drawn in by his quiet confidence and sharp gaze. There's a hint of danger lurking beneath the surface, hinting at his fighting skills.

Impression: Domen is a quiet introvert who prefers the company of a good book or her own thoughts to the bustle of social gatherings. She can be easily overwhelmed by loud noises or large crowds, often seeking refuge in the library or a quiet corner of the classroom. Despite her shyness, Domen possesses a sharp wit and a dry sense of humor that she expresses through well-timed observations and carefully crafted retorts.

Personality: Seta excels in academics and often leaves his classmates in the dust. He has a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that fuels his academic success. While his fighting ability is undeniable, Seta prefers to use his mind to solve problems. He has a strategic mind and can assess a situation quickly, looking for peaceful solutions first. He finds humor in everyday situations and enjoys a good challenge, both intellectual and physical. He has a dry sense of humor that he uses to keep things light, even in tense situations...
His physical abilities are made from his pas-...

Current social status: A friend of Oreki's

--Internal Monologue starts--

"Yo, wanna make a hangout for the class this weekend? for the promotion to class B I mean" Said Takehiko

"I would love to, but should we invite Oreki?" countered Kenta

"Nah, like always he will have something important to do, I personally hate that smirk of his, acting like he is the best in everything" replied Takehiko

I can hear you, you bastards.

The talk was pissing me off so I went towards the both of them

"Yo wanna make a hangout for the class this weekend? for the promotion to class B I mean" I said

They looked visibly distressed looking at me, since I had heard everything they just said about me.

"Did you ever tasted pizza with both tomato sauce and sugar?" I said

"N-No I didn't" replied Kenta

"Oh, that's sad, I should make you guys try one, don't you think so?"

"B-But I didn't say anything it was Tsuchiya(Takehiko's first name) who was saying really bad things about you" He countered while pointing to a person who was sitting next to him

"Really Takehiko? Do you want to taste it too?"

"N-No, you can't order me around." said Takehiko

"I see, so it looks like I am coming to the hangout this weekend" I finalized

They both looked at me for a moment checking whether I was joking around, but I wasn't.

"Yes, why not, please come." Kenta finally said

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