**Chapter 11: My Peaceful Life

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Character Introduction Class 1D, 3: Kazuomi Hōsen

Appearance: Bulky body, and tall

Hair: Silver Blonde, spiky

Eyes: blue

Height: 6'0

Physique: Very Strong, tough body, bulky

Expression: Intimidating

Demeanor: Serious, Intimidating

Overall Impression: A gorilla like person, who uses underhanded tricks for his class. Cares for his class.

Personality: Hosen Kazuomi is a complex character. He's a mastermind strategist who thrives on outsmarting others and craves the prestige of Class A. Despite his quiet demeanor, ruthless efficiency, and unshakeable confidence, his arrogance and underestimation of opponents can be his Achilles' heel.

Current social status: Class Leader of Class 1D

----------Story Starts----------

The second week of this supposedly "peaceful" existence had arrived. I diligently participated in activities befitting a normal student: challenging Horikita to a losing proposition, attending "Ayanokouji group" study sessions – a charade that felt increasingly cumbersome.

Maintaining this facade was becoming a herculean task, burdened by a multitude of complications. Four, to be precise.

First, the recent arrival of Ichika Amasawa. This girl was a constant thorn in my side. Cooking? The White Room, under the influence of my father's ideals, neglected such mundane skills. After much culinary struggle, I ended up with the added responsibility of becoming her personal chef – a thankless and potentially detrimental proposition to my burgeoning relationship with Kei.

Second, the enigmatic Oreki Kagenou. While not as overtly disruptive as Amasawa, he presented a different kind of threat. His casual knowledge of the White Room was unsettling, compounded by his reckless disregard for confidentiality. Though a prime suspect for being a White Room product himself, his behavior last Wednesday cast doubt upon that initial assumption. Now, I was left with a paradox: someone who knew too much, yet didn't quite fit the mold. For now, he could be controlled, but vigilance was key.

Third, the abnormal influx of first-years gravitating towards me. The most prominent were two each from Class C and A, with Class D students trailing behind. This sudden interest was anything but normal.

Fourth, the unorthodox deal with Kagenou. Contrary to initial impressions, it wasn't a bad deal for me. Guaranteeing perfect scores was akin to exceeding the former student council president's athletic prowess – a walk in the park. The advantage? Immunity from expulsion. A brilliant exploitation of a loophole, surprisingly overlooked by everyone else. This partnership ensured I wouldn't be saddled with a White Room student as a partner purely by chance.

Another wrinkle emerged on Thursday morning: Kagenou's class and Ichinose's had formed an alliance. Every student participated except for Kagenou and Ichinose themselves. Their motives seemed transparent – Kagenou likely sought to partner with me in a bid to gain my trust. There couldn't be another explanation.

The once placid waters of my carefully constructed life were now rippling with unforeseen disturbances. It was time to adjust my strategy and navigate this increasingly complex situation.

The digital clock on my wrist displayed 8:45 PM, the harsh fluorescent glow at odds with the inky blackness of the deserted area outside the dormitories. Here I stood, in a deliberately conspicuous yet sparsely populated location, having accepted an anonymous invitation. An unconventional move, perhaps, but the intuition honed in the White Room whispered that the sender was a first-year. And first-years, particularly those bold enough to reach out, often held a wealth of untapped information.

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