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The comments have been getting worse. Every single video there's at least one comment from that inappropriate person. Chris is getting really creeped out.

They decided to do another live stream where they open fanmail. But Chris is paranoid as fuck and had to get talked into it.

"Chris come on man it's not that deep. These little girls are always up your ass, why do you care so much about this one?" Matt asked Chris. Chris's expression drops. That's a good question, actually.

"I don't know! I just have a bad feeling, I'm sorry!" He whines. The comments have been keeping him awake on late nights, scared that someone thinks that way. Chris thinks back about the comments.

Chricummedonme said: I hope you're brothers die so I can have you all to myself.

Chriscummedonme said: you love me, you just don't know it yet!

Chriscummedonme said: one day you'll be mine Chrissy.

But Chris didn't want that, he just wants to be left alone. He just wants to be with his brothers for the rest of eternity. He doesn't want to be with this weird ass fan.

"Chris please?" Chris gets snapped out of his thoughts by Matt. Chris looks at Matt and his exited expression. He feels so bad that his brother's have to deal with his paranoia.

"Fine." He says. Matt smiles excitedly. "Thanks Chris!" He smiles while walking away again.

Chris sighs.

"Chris it's a letter for you!" Nick exclaims and hands a letter to Chris. "Damn that's the first one." Chris responds sarcastically. They've been live for an hour already and Chris just wants to go to bed, but he doesn't want to be alone.

He looks down at the letter. It has a lipstick stain on the back. 'Gross' Chris thinks. He opens the letter carefully and opens the paper. The writing is pretty, the paper somehow glows and the handwriting is curvy.

Dear Chris.
I am the one that has been bothering with my comments. Don't worry, they'll stop soon. You are my first love and you will be my last. I love you so much, my sweet Chrissy. I hope that you love me too, but I know you eventually will. We'll live a happy life just like In the Disney movies and we'll fuck every single day.

I love you Chrissy.

(My phone number is at the bottom of this paper if you like to call me sometime.)

Chris looks at the letter in horror. For a moment, he doesn't know what to do. And then he just decides to leave. "I'm going to bed guys, goodnight." He says while dropping the letter to the floor and walking to Matt's room.

Matt and Nick look at Chris confused and then look at the letter. They exchanged a look and then Matt decides to walk up to the camera.

"I'm sorry y'all I think we'll go too we're really tired, goodnight!" He says. Nick also yells a goodnight before Matt turns the camera off.

Nick picks up the letter from the ground and reads it, his face takes over in horror and his eyes spark with anger when he's done reading. "Yo what the fuck?!" He gives the letter to Matt and watches as he reads it. "Ew." He just says when he's done.

They both get up and walk after Chris to Matt's room.

"Chris?" Nick asks while knocking on the door and opening it slowly. "You okay buddy?"

Chris is on the bed, looking at the ceiling before he sits up and looks at Nick and Matt. His gaze is empty, he clearly doesn't know what to feel.

"I don't want people thinking that about me, I really don't." He says.
He takes a deep breath as Nick and Matt sit next to him and Nick throws an arm around his shoulder. "I don't get why we are the only ones getting treated like this, like objects"

Nick nods and lays his head on Chris's. "The world's just fucked Chris, I'm sorry." He says, not wanting to call him by his Nickname after the letter.

"I don't want it to be.." Chris says while sinking into Nick's shoulder.

"I know baby. but at least we have each other, right?" Chris nods. "Yeah, I love you guys." He smiles.

"We love you more sweetheart." Matt rests his head on Chris's shoulder and takes his hand, rubbing it gently while Nick rubs the boy's back.

But when Nick came back to clean up the letters he found more with the lipstick stain and Chris's name. Nick opened them and they were all from the same person, telling him how much he loved him and that they're destined to be together. Nick told Matt but not Chris because of his earlier reaction, it's probably just an obsessed fan. Nick shrugged it off and threw all the letters away.

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