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Chris and Nick were having fun and drinking Pepsi's while dancing and singing along to lil skies. And then Larray came up to Nick. Nick had given his phone to Larray a few moments ago because his phone was dead and he needed to call someone.

He looked at him with a worried expression. "HEY NICK!" He screamed over the music while tapping Nick on the shoulder repeatedly. Nick's face had taken over in worry when seeing his friends face.


Larray told him while giving his phone back. "OKAY THANKS!" Nick responded.

He immediately started to walk out of the building to go outside and pick up the phone. He didn't recognize the number but picked up anyway.

"Hello?" He said. The person in the phone immediately started talking. Nick could hear a whole commotion on the background. It's sounded like people screaming and the person himself was also out of breath.

"Hello is this, Nick Sturniolo?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Might Matthew Sturniolo be a relative of you, sir?"

Nick's heart dropped. He didn't know what this meant, a prank? He hoped so.

"Yeah Matt is my brother. Is everything okay?" Nick asked worriedly.

"No, not really. I don't really know how to break this to you, sir. But Matthew has been attacked. He called 911 and when no one responded they tracked him down and found him with multiple ehm, stab wounds.." the guy on the other side of the phone explained.

Nick's heart dropped, tears filled his eyes and he started shaking. "Where the fuck is he? Is he alive?" Nick almost screamed.

The guy sighed. "We are bringing him to the nearest hospital, I'd request you to come there as soon as possible." Nick nodded while trying to keep his breathing under control.

"I'll be there soon." Nick said before hanging up the phone.

And then tears started immediately falling. Nick gasped for air while calling Chris and texting him to come out of the building immediately. He ordered an Uber as he waited for Chris.

"Nick? Where are you?" Chris asked, unbothered. "Chris I need you to come out of the building right fucking now, this is not a joke I already ordered an Uber it's Matt." Nick ranted while gasping for air and releasing soft sobs now and then. "Wait a minute!" Chris responded.

And a minute later they were both in the Uber. Chris calming Nick down and asking what happened while Nick was sobbing and trying to explain the call. After five minutes Chris understood Matt was hurt and attacked and that's all he needed to know. He started letting a few tears fall but mostly comforted Nick.

And that's how they ended up here. Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting to hear news. The doctors had told them Matt had gone into surgery and nothing more. They didn't even wanted to tell them if he was alive. But what they didn't know is that the doctors had no idea if Matt was alive. They also had no idea what happened.

It's been six hours of nothing. Nick was sleeping on Chris' shoulder as he insisted Nick had to get some sleep and that he'd stay awake for if there was news on Matt. Except that Chris had also fallen asleep a few hours after that.

Chris feels a gentle tap on his shoulder. He immediately opens his eyes widely and looks at the nurse in front of him like they're an alien.

"Good morning sir. We have some news on Matthew." The nurse smiles sympathetically. Chris's eyes widen and he nods. "Thank you." He says. The nurse nods and walks away. Chris then turns to wake Nick up. "Nick! Nick wake up there's news on Matt!"

Nick's eyes shoot open, immediately alert. "Come on." Chris says softly while grabbing Nick's hand and walking up to the doctor who's waiting for them in the corner of the room. The doctor leads them to a little office and lets them sit down.

"Alright," he starts hesitantly. "So, I understand that you are triplets! That's quite extraordinary I've never seen triplets before." The man laughs a bit. Nick and Chris nod a bit annoyed. They really want to get over the triplet talk and get to Matt's health.

"So," the doctor smacks his lips. "Matthew has seven stab wounds. Five in his chest one in his side and one in his back. When the paramedics arrived, Matt did not breathe. He was dead. We were able to get him back for a few minutes before losing him again and then again, bringing him back." The doctor sighs.

Nick and Chris both have tears in their eyes.

"Matthew then was transported to the hospital and given blood since he lost a lot of it. He was brought into surgery and they weren't done until a solid half hour from now. He has a lot of stitches and he needs a machine to help him breathe since his lungs were extremely damaged.
However, he will need a single lung transplantation." The doctor looks up at them.

"Matthew is in a very vulnerable state and fell into a coma. We don't know for sure if or when he'll wake up."

Nick and Chris swallow. Nick feels Chris taking his hand gently and holding it.

"Can we- see him?" Chris manages to break out.

The doctor smiles at them. "Yes of course, there are some police officers who want to talk to you two though. They'll probably call you soon, or show up somewhere.

Nick and Chris nod. They all shake hands and then get leaded to Matt's room.

The scene is honestly horrific. Matt is pale as a ghost, tear burns printed on his face, a big tube is coming out of his mouth, there are all kind of tubes and wires connected to him just like a blood bag that is connected to him, transporting blood to him.

Nick and Chris both have tears streaming down their face.

This can't be happening.

~ swear on my life~  Sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now