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"Hey Matty." Nick speaks with a soft tone. His voice was always gentle to Matt but now its even softer, even more gentle. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for leaving you alone yesterday. I didn't know. I'm really worried about you.." he pauses and then says, "you still look cute though." Nick chuckles through his tears. "I love you buddy." Nick then says, taking the younger's hand and rubbing it gently.

"You're so strong Matty." Chris smiles while brushing a few hairs out of Matt's face. "I'm so proud of you." He looks up to face Nick and they smile at each other for a moment.

Suddenly the door opens. Two police officers walk in. "Nick and Chris Sturniolo?" The two boys nod and then walk after the officers to a little office again.

"My name is officer Derek and this is officer Paul." (Lmao the names😭😭) They shake hands and then sit down on the chairs.

"So, your brother was obviously attacked that's no question. And you two were at a party?" Nick and Chris nod. "Alright, so lets begin with what we found, letters." Chris and Nick don't look surprised. "Would you mind telling us where they came from?" One of the police officers asks.

"We've been dealing with a stalker." Nick begins. "We accidentally met her on tour and then she found our address and send us letters every day, telling Chris how much she loved him."

"She said she had a plan and that she'll do it soon. We didn't get a letter yesterday." Chris then interrupts Nick.

The two police officers glance at each other and then look back at Nick and Chris. "Yes you did." Officer Paul says while grabbing two plastic bags. One with a letter in it and one with an envelope. The lipstick stain with Chris' name.

Chris and Nick's faces take over with confusion.

"We found it next to your brother's body. That's why the envelope has blood stains." Officer Paul explains.

They both nod. "Can we read it?" Chris asks, voice breaking. The officers nod and hand him one of the plastic bags.

He leans over so Nick could also read it.

Dear Chris.

I'm sorry for your loss. How do you like my plan? You may think it's going to be easy to catch me, but you won't. I'm sorry I had to kill your brother though. But I can't have anything standing in between our love. You shouldn't have left him alone.
For that small of a man, he fought pretty well. Until I stabbed him in the chest five times. :)
He asked me to tell you that he loved you and Nick. (Two seconds before he was dead)

I love you Chrissy, see you soon!"

Chris can't stop the tears from falling. This was all his fault. He did this to Matt. He cries hysterically while Nick pulls him in his chest and strikes the boy's hair gently. "It's okay, it's not your fault." Nick soothes while letting tears stream down his own face. Chris cries in Nick's chest while desperately grabbing his shirt. He can't help but feel like it's all is fault.

He pictures Matt laying on the hallway floor, dying. With no one by his side, all because of him.

The police officers wait patiently till Chris and Nick are done with crying. They look at each other, both sympathy in their eyes.

Chris cries for another five minutes before Nick is finally able to calm him down.

When it's finally quiet again Chris is still slightly holding Nick. Then they continue.

"There were traces of blood from the kitchen wall to the hallway. He must've tried to get out of the house. And then, we found a knife. It has your brother's fingerprints on it so we think he used it as self defense. We have identified the killer thanks to your brother stabbing her. Now we only have to find her. Can you maybe describe what the stalker looked like?"

Chris an Nick are almost speechless. But then Nick starts talking. "She had, long brown hair and dark eyes." He tells the officers. "Alright then we know that the attacker is also," the officer sighs. "The stalker."

Nick and Chris nod.

"What we're going to do now is, get a new security system for your house. They're probably going to come back because of their 'plan.' So we are having a police officer by your brother's room and at your house when you  return there. They are going to clean your place up today so if you want to see the crime scene you still can. But I don't think you want to.

We are going to do or best to find the girl who attacked your brother, I promise." Officer Derek smiles.

"And," the other officer begins. "We managed for you two to have acces to your brother's room a little longer than visiting hours since you three are triplets and probably haven't been apart for long." Nick and Chris nod gratefully.

"Thank you."

~ swear on my life~  Sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now