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(This is so short I'm actually ashamed.)

"Matty!!" Chris yells, running around with a bowl of soup.

Matt sneezes dramatically.

"Ooff, kid! You really got that cold don't you?" Nick teases while handing Matt a tissue.

Nick has had his arms wrapped around Matt for the last few hours. Matt is cuddled up to him, resting his head on his chest. Except for when he's sneezing or coughing. He ain't doing that bad, but he still likes to cuddle with Nick.

And then Chris arrives with the soup. "Here ya go!" Chris exclaims proudly while giving the bowl to Nick. "Thanks, I guess.." Matt says back.

Nick carefully takes a spoon and holds it in front of Matt while commanding him to blow first. Matt just sighs and nods before blowing on the spoon and eating the soup.

When Matt is done eating his soup he lets his head fall on Nick's chest again. He's exhausted from just eating soup. Before he knows it his eyes are closing and it's hard to stay awake. And then he's asleep again.

"Damn, I guess he's really sick then." Chris says while cuddling up to them. "No shit." Nick sasses back.

When Matt wakes up Nick is still sitting with him, watching television. He raises his head slightly and then coughs. He can feel Nick rubbing his back softly while he's coughing. And when he's done Nick takes the cup tea from table and gives it to Matt. Matt smiles gratefully before taking a few sips and putting it down on the table again. When  he's done sipping tea he turns on his belly and hugs Nick tight, lying on top of him. Nick just laughs and gives Matt a pat on the head.

"How long till the party?" Matt asks softly. "An hour." Nick responds hesitantly. "You should go get ready, I promise I'll be fine here."

Nick looks down at Matt again. "You sure?" Nick is still hesitant on leaving his brother when he is sick. But then again, he liked being alone.

"Yeah of course, I like being alone." Matt smiles reassuringly.

"Alright then."

~ swear on my life~  Sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now