chapter 4

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I look around as I see a lot of people prepping the house. It's only 5 in the morning . I don't see Genevieve anywhere and I don't really feel safe walking around alone after what happened a few days ago . Gladly, I got to keep the job and I know I only have Vittorio to thank . I should start to keep my thoughts out of my mouth.

I turn to see miss Julie looking at me with a look and I decide to go look to do something. I walk in the kitchen and I see some dirty dishes. I think it's just better if I do them than just walk around doing nothing.

As I'm in the middle of doing the dishes Genevieve comes in.

"Oh my god , Gen. I have been looking for you. Are you ok , you look drained ."

"Yeah , there's a ball tonight and miss Julie wanted to talk to us."

"To you and the other maids."

"No to you and me. Leave the dishes . We are going to miss Julie."

"Me and you? Why am I not feeling good about this ." I say cleaning my hands and walking with Gen out of the kitchen.

"I don't think she likes you. For some reason I guess , but miss Julie wouldn't order a new maid to handle balls with little experience."

"Sounds like she likes me."

"No , the workload says otherwise, trust me."


"Oh my god!"

"Told you."

"I have never even done such tasks in my life. How am I going to complete them without losing this job."

"I would try to help you there and there but handling Princess Valentina is the worst. "

I stop and give Gen a look.

"You have just said that you're better because Lady Ludovica is the worst and now you're changing your opinions."

"Ok , they're both bad . But if I leave princess Valentina even for a second , I'm done. With Lady Ludovica though , she's always going to be with the prince meaning you'll get to see him . See which one is worse now."

"Seeing the prince is . I don't aspire him that much." I say the last part whispering.

"Why? Because he almost kicked you out."

"No , it's more than that . But I don't understand, why didn't miss Julie give her niece such good positions."

"Who lied to you? Obviously she's the head maid of the party which is the best position. All the compliments go to her. Meaning there's a greater chance to find a husband tonight."

"Wow , soft life for her I presume."


I feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as the guests start coming. I don't even know Lady Ludovica.
The only description I got was she's a beautiful girl with very clear skin. I spot Gen following princess Valentina around. She looks tired , I almost want to laugh because the ball hasn't even begun and she's already fed up.

"Go and greet her , introduce yourself and behave." A voice says behind me and I turn to see miss Julie looking at a girl. Whoa , she's so beautiful, her hair is fine nicely. Her smile too , now I see the skin they were referring to.

I walk to her and she looks at me. I curtsy.

"Greetings Lady, I'm Sybil . I'll be at your service for the day. I welcome you." I say with a smile and she also smiles. She seems sweet.

"Thank you , Sybil. Let's get started with our journey shall we."

"Of course my Lady, lead the way."

She nods and we start exploring the ball.

"So , Sybil . When did you start. I don't think I have seen you before?"

"Uh , I started 2 weeks ago. "

"Thank goodness , it was always old ladies at my services . No offence to them though."

I chuckle and I see the cow coming down. I want to roll my eyes but I have to be professional.

"Oh the prince is coming. " Someone says and they all keep quite . Why are they quite , I wish I could sing the most horrible song in the world to welcome him .

I turn to see Lady Ludovica looking at him as if she's dreaming. She's in love isn't she . Oh god help her please. Release her now .

"Your highness." Lady Ludovica says bowing her head . The prince nods and turns to look at me. I look away , I know he's waiting for me to curtsy and hi your highness him . I hope Vittorio forgives me if he has to save me again but I'm not in the moment to he fake.

"Lady Ludovica, I hope you're enjoying yourself."

"Oh , yes your highness. I'm feeling quite welcomed . Thank you for hosting."

"Oh , call me Cyrelas. " He says in a flirty way and Lady Ludovica chuckles holding her mouth . I roll my eyes when I see her cheeks turning pink .

I turn to see the Prince looking at me .

"Only you can call me that ." He tells Lady Ludovica while looking at me . Pfft , as if I'd want to say his name . I love my tongue , so I don't think it's going to be good for it if I say such an annoying name.

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