chapter 11

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I look up the ceiling as I think about what happened a few days ago , or rather since a few days ago. Sybil being nice to me and talking to that gardener with each chance she gets.

I turn to the table to find Vittorio still reading my letters.

"Who's that new gardener ? Sybil's friend I mean. "

I ask sitting up as Vittorio turns to look at me . Why does he look confused .

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm just curious. I don't want any mischief going on in my palace."

"Mmm, I don't know . She doesn't really talk about their friendship , but they're allowed to be friends right , like you and Lady Ludovica?"

He says and from his little devilish grin I can tell he's trying to push my buttons .

"You're not funny . "

"My apologies your highness. "

He says joking and I roll my eyes.



"Ludo , I don't trust her."

"Oh come on Avengeline. She's a nice girl , she isn't like all the other maids trying to get close to my prince. She hates the Prince too and the Prince hates her , what other evidence do you need."

"It doesn't matter Ludo . I'm just saying to not trust her , you know my gut is never wrong . I don't like how you love her , she might turn her back on you . No one can resist the Prince. Especially not a mere maid who can do anything for the wealth of the Prince, anyone would."

I look at my friend and shake my head with a smile as I'm writing a letter to the Prince.

"The season has been quite competitive. The prince is now joining and all the ladies in town want to meet his eye , you should be prepared at all times."

"You don't think there's a chance the Prince might court me ."

"I mean he might , but you know the Prince is quite the unpredictable type. You shouldn't rely on his words."

"We've known each other since we were kids , he must be in love with me as I with him  ,right  ?"

I look at Avengeline and she nods .

"I hope you're careful with him , the queen of the royal family must not be with child before marriage ."

"Yes , I'm quite careful with him. I can already see us getting married infront of the whole town . Did I tell you about my conversation with the queen the other day."

"No , I don't think so."

"She told me to be ready to be a bride of the royal palace. She seemed quite genuine and knowing her the queen is not a bluffer."

"Why didn't you tell me , oh I hope to be your lady in waiting at the wedding."

We laugh and talk about the future. Me as queen, the prince's wife . Staying at the palace and already having kids.



"Lady Ludovica, I hope the season is going well for you ." A woman says to Ludovica and she nods smiling. She's a nice person of all the ladies I have encountered during this season.

"That was the Duchess of Gordes. She wants her daughter to desperately marry the Prince but the queen doesn't quite like their family. She's not as nice as she sounds to be."

I walk around with Ludovica and we talk to some people, or rather she talks with them.

"There's the Prince, we should go stand to him."

Ludovica says and before I can protest she's already on her way so I have no choice but to follow her.

"Do you enjoy the season Sybil."

"Yeah , I only like that I don't have to wear my uniform. I say and we laugh heading to the Prince. People are already surrounding him , or should I say ladies.

We stand infront of everyone and Ludovica asks the prince to move to a more spacious place. We walk to the other corner where there's not a lot of people.

Ludovica talks with the prince as I have a little talk with my friend.

"Do you think Gen is ok ?"

"No , the Princess gas been giving her a tough time , but we still have our moments from time to time."

I hit his arm with my hand and we laugh. The prince looks at us and I look at him. We don't talk much anymore, the only time we talk is when he asks me who is the gardener and I just answer's the gardener . He asks me every day and it's annoying. I don't know why he cares .

"Hi ." A voice says and I turn find a man standing next to me . A nice looking man.

"Hi , can I help with anything."

"Yeah your name ."

"It's Sybil."

"Well, I'm Lord Antonio. Nice to meet you Sybil ."

"Nice to meet you too my Lord."

"Lady Sybil, may I have this dance."

Lord Antonio says giving me his hand and I smile but as I'm about to give him my hand to accept a voice interrupts .

"She's a maid ."

The prince says and Lord Antonio takes his hand away in a jiffy and my hand is left hanging alone .

"Oh , I should get going now." He leaves and I take back my hand with humiliation and I feel a pang of hurt in me . Especially if you can hear the people that were near you laughing. I feel the tears in my eyes wanting to come out but I can't cry infront of him ,vso I hold them back .

"I shall be back ." I say leaving and it makes the people laugh harder.

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