chapter 10

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Is this what they meant by horse riding. Watching men riding horses and them just sitting down favouring each of them for themselves.

I turn to Vittorio who's standing next to me.

"Why are you not playing?"

"Because I'm not a noble man ."

"Oh yeah . Then why are the ladies not playing ?"

"Because ladies don't ride horses. They also think they're too valuable for horseriding which is kind of correct in a way."

Vittorio says and I want to say something but I decide against it. We look at the men who are riding, the ladies are shouting names and I just wanting the prince to lose.

After their race is done they approach ladies below the tent . Me and Vittorio  are standing under a tree near the tent. Genevieve is under the tent next to Valentina.

Seems like the other gents that were riding don't have maids.

"You did really good Cyrelas."

"I always do." He says with pride as they laugh and I roll my eyes . They talk about their normal stuff it seems as I don't even know what they're talking about. They stand up getting back to the field.

"May I ask something, your highness.?"

I ask and they all stop.

" Sybil." He nods giving me permission. I look at Vittorio who's shaking his head wanting me to stop .

"Why aren't the ladies not riding?"

They all murmur looking at each other   but I keep my eyes on the prince.

"Because they can't."

"Oh well then , they can't but I can . I would like to join the race."

The gents laugh and I look at them confused.

"Did I miss a joke ?" I ask them with a stern tone .

"Shut up !"

The prince shouts and they stop laughing.

"I don't think you'll manage-"

"Because I'm a woman or because I'm a maid?"

"I never said that ."

"But you thought it . Unless you gentlemen  right here are afraid to be beaten by a woman who's a maid. This is your chance to prove that ladies can't ride horses."

I look at each of them . They look humiliated or rather shocked . But I would prefer the humiliated part . I look at the prince , why is he so serious. Maybe because he's used to me .

"Cyrelas?" One of the gents asks waiting .

I look at the Prince who's still looking at me with a serious look.

"You don't have a horse so you don't race. And it's not like you are going to win , so I'd rather you don't waste your time." A voice says with a tone I quite don't like . I look behind the prince to see a fat lord with orange hair looking at me with a smirk.

"Uh , Lord..."

"Lord Phillip."

"Lord Phillip, I watched you race and you're quite the last person to tell me about losing . Even your dear horse is the only one still tired , I feel quite sorry for it to be honest . You're also still  tired I can tell , so why don't you just give me your dear horse . How about that ?"

I say and the other Lords laugh silently and the prince just looks at me but I can see his little smile that he's trying to hide.

"What makes you think I would ever do that?" Lord Phillip asks still acting strong , one thing is I'm stronger.

"Because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to face being defeated by your friends and a woman on the same day . And infront of these beautiful ladies here , who would want that ? Right ?"

He looks at the ladies before just looking at me .

"Fine take care of it." He says and leaves sitting down.

"Are you ready gentlemen?"

"You need to dress for it." The prince says.

"Don't care about me , just focus on your win ."

"Typical feminist." I stop and turn to the prince 's friend. I don't even want to know his name .

"Pardon me , but you're wrong . Doing this doesn't make me a feminist , it's just to prove that I have a more empowered mindset than you , but it doesn't make me a feminist. Not every woman that goes against you is a feminist, get that out of your belittled mind."

I say and we get to the starting line. I've been riding horses since I can remember. It's my transport back home .


I climb off the horse smiling. I've never felt so victorious. I look at the lords who are sharing their graces to the Prince.

"We knew you wouldn't beat our Prince."

"I know . But my mission was not to the prince, it was to you gentlemen, which means that I still won against you . I hope you'll always remember this loss for the rest of your life and I'm glad to know I'll be the reason you sleep with shame tonight . "

I say and turn to the Prince with a smile.

"Congratulations your highness. You're a really great rider , I don't think I'll ever beat that . "

I say before leaving. Even if I don't like someone, I still notice their talents.

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