chapter 7

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It's been a month and  a few weeks since I have started working here. Well , we can round it to two months I guess. Everything is the same everyday, cleaning, having talks with my friends, accompanying Ludovica know where. And lastly me always arguing with the prince ,well we aren't really arguing we just offer each other different views of a point hourly  .  I'm only able to always see him because Ludovica always sees him.

" The season starts next week . Are you already considering your choices from noble families.?"

Ludovica asks the prince and both me and Vittorio look at each other as we are following them.

"Well , I already have a few on my mind." The prince says flashing his supposed to be charming smile. I roll my eyes looking away from the show he's putting . I don't know why Ludovica let's him do this to her . I few days ago we both found him with another maid called Yara I think . I thought maybe if Ludovica saw them then she might stop and leave , but instead she went in after the girl left. She's definitely too deep and I have been looking for a way to take her out.

I know it's non of my business but I can't just stand and watch my friend getting treated like this. He's leading her on  and the worst part is she's letting him .

"What are you thinking about.?"

"I can't tell you because it's about your boss."

"So you're thinking about him?" Vittorio asks me and gives me a look I don't like like.

"Yes , I was . I was thinking about how I can bury him without anyone knowing." I say and Vittorio stops but I just continue walking.



Everyone is getting ready . The season is starting today . I can't believe my mother sneaked me into this somehow and I had no choice. I look at myself as I see that I'm ready.

"You look good as always. " Vittorio says and I shake my head.

"Let's go."


I walk down the stairs and like always , everyone is looking at me . Leaving their partners stranded , not that I'm complaining. I do like the attention.

I look around the room and spot Ludovica. She looks beautiful as always . I see Sybil standing next to her looking at me. I stand there and we look at each other. I know it's bad since everyone is looking at me right now , but I'm certain they think I'm looking at Ludovica. And just like always she ruins the moment by rolling her eyes. God , I wish she would just disappear.

"Brother, the season hasn't even started yet but you're already showing us your bride."

Valentina says snapping me out of my thoughts.

We walk down the stairs to our mother who's sitting on the queen bench. We kiss her hand greeting her and after she introduces us and we continue with the party.


"Greetings your highness." I turn to meet with a girl bowing to me. She looks up and she doesn't look bad , but I'm not into her. I look at her before nodding off my way away from her . I walk around the hall with Vittorio standing further from me .

I walk to Ludovica.

"Well , as always you look beautiful Ludovica."

She smiles blushing. I look at Sybil who's giving me a death stare , she has been since she caught me with the maid. A few days ago she even threatened me that she's going to make Ludovica fall out if love for me. I'm never one to let a mere human talk to me like that but with her...I don't know . I like arguing with her even though she wins everytime.

"Can I have this dance Lady Ludovica.?"

I ask  for her hand. She nods smiling and gives me her hand . I kiss it and I look at Sybil. She rolls her eyes looking away . I swear one day those big eyes are going to roll off from her face.


"Thank you for the dance."

I say letting go of her hand.

"Don't you need another dance your highness?"

I turn to see the famous friend of Ludovica, Lady Avengeline.

"Avengeline, long time no see..."

"Yes , I was on that trip I told you about. "

"Did Ludovica see you. "

"Yes , I was just with her this morning. "

I nod looking away.

"She looks nice with Lord Demo, doesn't she?"

I say and Avengeline looks at me.

"But she looks the nicest with you."

She says and I just look away. I need to leave here.

"Ok , I have somewhere to go . It was nice catching up with you." I say nodding and walking away. I slowly walk away from the crowd . I go to the one of the rooms . I need to be alone .

I get in the room quickly and lock the door . Finally.

"What do you think you're doing?"

A voice says and I gasp turning to find Sybil. Did I just get into the maids' room

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