Chapter Twenty

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To be realistic here, there is absolutely nothing I haven’t done for this business since I lost my other choice of trade. If I can still remember, when I started this business----clothing business, it wasn’t mainly in version because a lot of people went into it and now that many children has taken their parents and family overseas--same people who once traded this particular business in the past and has abandoned it, I thought since we are less now than being more like before, it will be recognised and established. 

But no! 

There is nothing I have not sacrificed for this business, still yet, everything arounds it goes wrong. 

It’s painful to say but very advisable to bear. 

To the extent of me attending different church programs, night vigils, native doctors(voodoo doctors), getting water from diabolic rivers, and visiting herbalists as well. Just to make sure I come out with an outstanding sales each passing of the day. 

Yet, nothing to show. Still no changes. 

If not for God’s grace, how do I and my two kids feed or survive? 

Even my daughter who once lost her good paying job many months ago, had to join three departments in church so that God can remember us in his vineyard. 

It’s fustrating and very difficult to live under this circumstances and condition of life. 

Sometimes, I even fear my daughter these days. 

The way she’s so devoted in her religion belief and never misses choir practice makes me wonder. 

And sometimes, she wakes up as early as 5am every four days in a week to complete her morning routine of evangelism. 


This is not the Bummi I use to know. Even her co-former workmates----Lola and Ojo are still outstruck by the sudden changes. 

I just hope this way favours her and………. all of us including my business. 


I sat almost all day in the store ----from 8am - 4pm and haven’t sold a dim. With today having being another day to cook a brand new meal in the house, I was relying on today’s sales. 

I was convincing myself to stay an hour more before calling it a day……… 

Until when two elegant, good-looking women strolled in. 

You know that feeling of strong faith? Like the one the woman with the issue of blood had in the bible? 

Indeed! I am going to make my favourite soup-----Gbegiri and Amala with so many assorted Orishi-rishi meats today. 

“Who’s here?” A brown skin lady on pink sequence buba and wrapper attire, full frontal short bob wig, looked around for the seller. 

“It’s me,” I quickly jumped off the half broken plastic chair I was sitting. 

Another lady in fair complexion, same attire but in red like----ball silver purse and 18 inches bone straight frontal followed behind her. 

If they aren’t coming from a party, club meetings, then they should be wives of politiians who dresses classically, occasionally. 

The fair lady searches around with her eyes wandering the entire shop, but she has an unpleasant look, something like she’s displeased or unsatisfied or maybe irritated.

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