Chapter Twenty: Wedding Bells

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"So, are you like from rich family or something?" Alice asked.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"Well, you're wearing a beautiful dress, your hair is made up and you're disgust with this place." Alice said.

"Oh, right." I said and chuckled. "What an idiot, anyhow, why were you crying?"

"Oh well you see, I met someone I didn't want to see..." Alice said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He was the reason my boyfriend passed away, they were racing and he hit him and then he died in the accident." Alice said and started to cry.

"Did that guy meant to kill your boyfriend... Er... Ex-boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yes, no, I don't know, he's the reason, he passed away, I'll never forgive him." Alice said and an awkward silence hit us. "What about you? What are you doing here?"

"I had a fight with my twin brother." I said.

"Oh, is he like you?" Alice asked.

"In appearance, yes, but in personality, no." I said.

"How's he?" Alice asked.

"He's meaner than me." I said jokily and both of us laughed, I paid for her coffee with my black credit card and head outside.

"You're really beautiful Kim, I wish I can be as pretty as you." Alice said which made me blush.

"Don't say that, you're prettier than me, look." I said and took off my headband and put it on her hair, my long hair fell down and I smile gently at her. "See? You're pretty." Alice blushed too.

"Alice!" A familiar voice shouted and both of us turned around.

"Roy?" I said.

"Ma-Madam Kim?! What are you doing here?" Roy asked.

"You know him?" Alice asked.

"He's my fiancé's butler." I said... And the person I hold dear in my heart.

"What do you want, I told you I won't listen to any excuse." Alice shouted. So she really is that Alice. A mixed feeling filling my heart with suspense. No way, did Roy killed her boyfriend? No, Roy isn't that type of person.

"I--" Roy said hesitantly.

"No, don't give me an excuse, I know you're lying." Alice said.

"Alice, Roy is not trying to give an excuse, he has something else to say." I said and Alice turned to me. "Roy is not the type who would give excuses, so please hear him out, for me." Alice sighed and nodded her head.

"Okay, I'm listening." Alice said and turned to Roy.

"I know you won't forgive me after the incident with Owen and all, I was an idiot for speeding up, like you, Owen was a precious friend for me, I loved him with all my heart, I regret that day more than anything else, I just want you to know that I'm really sorry." Roy said hanging his head down.

"You're right, I won't forgive you, for now, but when times come, let's hang out like we always do, thank you Kim." Alice said with a beautiful smile.

"Why're thanking me?" I asked.

"For making me give Roy a chance, excuse me, but I have to go." Alice said, she was about to take off the headband, but I stopped her by putting my hand on hers.

"Keep it." I said and smile gently, she nodded her head and walked away. "Oh my gosh, so exhausting, like I never saw an idiot like her before."

"She is an idiot, but she's a kind-hearted person." Roy said. Oh gosh, I almost forgot that he was next to me. My heart skips a beat as the sight of him, my heart which was waiting for him is now beating fast with happiness. "It was nice of you that you gave her your headband." I blushed at his comment and turned away.

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