Chapter Twenty Six: Bridge Finally Crossed

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Roy POV.

The next morning, I head to Len's bedroom to wake him up, before it used to be Rina but since she's not his bodyguard anymore, naturally it's my job. I entered his room to see him already awake, he opened the curtains then breathe the fresh air with a happy smile. "You seem in a happy mood Len." I said, Len turned toward me happily then nodded his head.

"Yes... I finally told my father about my relationship with Rina." Len said.

"I assume it worked out fine." I said and Len told me the whole thing. "Wow, who thought Mr. Jefferson knew Mr. Brown?"

"Small world isn't it?" Len said.

"Yes it is, now hurry up, we have school today." I said then Len nod.

"Alright, I'll get changed then come down." Len said, I bowed my head then turned around but then stopped. "Rina is waiting for you down." Len blushed flustered then I head downstairs toward the kitchen then put the breakfast on a tray.

"Good morning Roy." Emma greeted me with smile.

"Good morning, breakfast is ready." I said then placed the tray in front of her.

"What's for breakfast today?" Emma asked.

"It's freshly boiled egg, two pieces of bacon, yogurt, banana and orange juice." I said.

"Wow, the food too shiny even though it's plain." Rina said then wore sunglasses.

"B-But that is too much, some girls said I've gained some weight." Emma said then looked down.

"If you don't want to gain weight then you must eat your breakfast properly, do exercises and stop eating junky food, I heard you went on a date with Ran and ate lots of junk food, also you've been slacking off in your exercises." I said making Emma look down disappointed.

"Listen to Roy, he knows the best also..." Rina said then lean closer. "Ran doesn't like fat girls, he calls them ugly fatties because they neglected their health." Emma tensed up and started to chew down her food, I glanced at Rina then gave her a slight smile.

"I'm here, let's go." Len said as he put on his jacket.

"You haven't ate your breakfast yet Len, you're having the same breakfast as young mistress." Len said then nodded his head.

"What are you going to eat Roy?" Rina asked as she eats her toast.

"I already ate my healthy breakfast." I said.

"Wow, you wake up super early but eat one breakfast, this is my second breakfast, I get hungry easily." Rina said pouting

"I'm good at tolerating my hunger so I'm fine." I said then Rina blinked surprised.

After breakfast we head to the school, as always Len and Rina walked together while Ran stand in front of the gate waiting for Emma. As for me I head to my classroom, as I walk I heared whispers.

"Did you hear, there's a cherrywood student here." A student said.

"Seriously? What a cherry doing here?" Another said.

"Apparently he's accompanying a student here." Another student said.

"It's Carl Johnson! He's here!" I walk toward the student and ask him where he is then he pointed the direction for me. I went to the direction then stopped when I saw Carl with... That mysterious girl, he smirked then pushed her to the wall kissing her neck, our eyes met then he smirked, he pulls away then turn toward her. "I'll see you after school." Carl said, he ruffled her hair then kissed her cheek, after that he walked away. The mysterious girl was looking at Carl as his silhouette disappear, her eyes were longing with love for him.

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