Chapter Twenty Seven: End Of The Line

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Roy POV.

"Roy, are you sure?" Kim asked. I held her cheek then kissed her forehead.

"Yes I am, I will do anything to be with you, I'm not running anymore." I said then Kim blushed happily. Besides I don't think Carl would let me off the hook that easily. "I don't want to see someone steal you away from me." I mustered all my courage then knocked the door.

"Come in." Mrs. Prince said then I opened the door, when our eyes locked up her expression turned into disgust. Reminds me of someone (Kim). "What do you want you lowly worm?"

"I came here to discuss my relationship with Kim." I said then Mrs. Prince looked at me still disgusted then lift her head up as she fold down her fan.

"What about it worm?" She asked with an elegant tone but I could hear a hint of sarcasm and hatred in it.

"I'm currently dating your daughter and I want your blessings." I said, she smiled but then opened her fan hiding her mouth.

"Is that so? Then you have my blessings, dating is like fooling around as long as it's nothing serious, maybe you could teach her one or two things about relationships, as long as you don't take her chastity." Mrs. Kim said then I glare at her sternly. I could feel her smile behind that fan of hers causing to be more angry but I hold myself in. "It's not like you're serious about her, remember your position, you are a lowly butler, and my daughter is from the high society."

"With all due respect Mrs. Prince I am serious about her and I am going to keep on courting her then propose to her when I'm old enough." I said then the smile on her face vanished.

"Dear mother, please approve of Roy, he may be a stupid lowly butler, but he protected me lots of times even though I was harsh with him, I really love this idiot dear mother!" Kim who was silent the whole time finally spoke up as she entangled her fingers together begging, her eyes were shut tight. My heart felt warm and fuzzy when I see the prideful and rude Kim throw her pride aside for someone like me, I guess I'm not just someone for her anymore. I hear Mrs. Prince sigh then she fold down her fan again and placed it on the table.

"Fine, court her as much as you can, but I won't make your relationship easy, I shall not harm my daughter, but you, watch your back, I won't hold back, if you prove you're worthy for her hand then I shall not interfere." Mrs. Prince said with a challenging tone. I smile then approach her, when I was close to her I kneel down, take her hand and kissed it.

"And I accept your request, I shall make Kim mine body and soul." I said then look up at her, she blushed faintly then turned her head away.

"We'll see, since you're seventeen then be prepared, once you reach eighteen your old, I'll start to interfere and you shall ask her hand for marriage when you're at least twenty one years old." Mrs. Prince said then I nod my head. I stand up then wrap my arms around Kim's shoulders.

"Then if you'll excuse us." I said then both of us head out. Kim pursed her lips together as I lead her out, she was walking silently next to me, I stop then lift her chin up. "Have some confidence in me, I'll definitely make your mother approve of me." Kim hesitate for a moment then nodded. "Come with me, I'll take you somewhere." I held her hand then took her to my favourite spot.

"Where are we going?" Kim asked then I wink.

"It's a secret, now close my eyes." I said then she do so. God she look so cute when she close her eyes so obediently, makes me want to kiss her. No, no Roy, keep your act together. When we reached our destination, I turned toward her, as I was about to tell her to open her eyes, lust consumed me and I kiss her softly. Her shoulders jumped out and before she could react I pull away.

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