Chapter 10: Ending The Day With A Bang

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Caddie's POV:

Upon hearing the school bell ring the lunch festival promptly ended- much to my dismay. It was so exciting to bend the rules and not being caught for doing so. I had thought going to Nox Haven was going to be the end of my life but there was a chance it might be a new beginning.

Alix and I inconspicuously joined a large group of students and shuffled into the school, keeping her heads down low. Once the glass doors closed behind us we let out a few hysterical giggles. For the first time in my life I felt a feeling of elation overwhelm me. It was the most addictive feeling in the world and I desperately wanted it to last as long as possible.

"Maybe this royal thing will be fun," Alix suggested.

I gave her an incredulous look. Being imprisoned in a world filled with perfection and order did not sound like fun. Unlike most girls I didn't dream of sparkly dresses and tiaras; I knew that all of those flashy diamonds came with a price to pay. As a princess it was your job to care of a whole population, that sounded more overwhelming than exciting. If I could hardly take care of myself, how did they expect me to be responsible for everyone else?

"Well, it was fun hiding from everyone," She explained, "I really thought they going to send a search party for you."

"We almost did, until I spotted you," Ryder interjected, walking over to us.

His blue eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled mischievously. With his large muscles it was easy to be intimated by his presence but the joyous look on his angelic face made him look younger and more approachable.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks for not saying anything," I said awkwardly.

He smirked, "Don't worry about it blondie. I would have gotten up and joined you if I could have."

Glancing past his massive shoulder I noticed the other heirs spotted Ryder talking to me. Aleksander looked furious to say the least. He started to make his way over to us, when Alix unexpectedly grabbed my arm and pulled me down a crowded hallway.

We pushed a few people out of the way. They weren't too happy about it, but I would have dealt with their angry remarks than Aleksander's any day.

My breath came out in ragged pants as we finally began to slow down. The amount of people in the hall dramatically lessened as we stopped in front of a tall wooden door. Placing my hands on my knees, I panted like a dog before glancing up at the gold plated sign on the door.

"This is my next class?" I asked in puzzlement. "

"Yes, Lady Bose is going to teach you how to use your magic," Alix answered.

Sometimes it was nice to have a psychic as a friend, I never had to worry about getting lost. She was like a living GPS, without the annoying monotone voice.

"I'll meet you back in the dorm room. You'll do fine," She said encouragingly. I took a deep breath and entered the room.

Heidi was whispering furiously with the other council members. The door closed loudly behind me causing them all to look at me with surprise.

"Caddie?" Heidi stepped away and ran over to me, giving me a tight hug.

"Where have you been? The guard said you didn't show up to lunch." She seemed worried, but I couldn't tell if it was a facade or not.

The other council members watched us intently.

"I did show up to lunch," I told her, "But I didn't sit with the others."

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