Chapter 21: Beneath The Snow

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Four weeks and two days. That's how long it's been since I broke Mira's body. I sat on the icy bench and stared out at the snow-covered courtyard.

It was December, almost two months since I learned about Dmitri's existence. Heidi was getting closer to finding where he was kept, but I felt like we were just going around in circles.

"You know, if you don't stop frowning your face will freeze that way," Alix said, handing me a hot chocolate.

She scooted next to me on the bench and sipped away at her drink. I offered her a fake smile and let the warm liquid soothe my freezing throat.

"I wouldn't be surprised if my face is the only thing that this weather freezes," I shivered.

She laughed. "Winter is a witch's favorite time of year. In fact, all supernatural creatures relish in the cold and dark."

She wasn't wrong about that. Everyone was out today, playing in the snow. In fact this was my first time seeing a real vampire. With the sun safely buried behind the clouds most of the vampires had woken earlier to play with everyone else.

They were beautiful and deadly, one could never forget how lethal they are. Curfew for most started at 8 o' clock. That was when the vampires come out to learn.

I watched as they threw snowballs at the fairies. It was enchanting to watch, the fairies practically sparkling. Icicles hung off of their delicate wings.

Moments like this nothing seemed real. This is what school at Nox Haven should be like: magic class with witches and dances with fairies. Not wars, death, and dark magic.

"If I was going to be in a snowball fight, I would side with the vampires," Alix said staring at their athleticism with admiration.

"I'm just happy to be comfortable sitting a few feet away from them," I mumbled into my drink.

"That's only because you haven't partied with them," Alix countered.

I gave her a skeptical look. "And you have?"

She smiled mischievously, "No, but Jaxon has. With their cryptic locations and trance music, vampires really know how to party."

I didn't know if scary was the trendy theme for supernatural kids, but that kind of party did not sound fun to me.

"So all of that stuff is true?" I asked. "The holy water and sleeping in coffins?"

Her red head bobbed in agreement. "Yeah, they don't go near anything religious; they're atheists. As for sleeping in coffins, they do it for sentimental reasons. They will only sleep in their coffins because that is where they're supposed to be taking an eternal nap."

I couldn't tell if she was joking or telling the truth so I let it go. We fell into a lulled silence and my eyes began to travel away from the fight. I saw a group of people watching the snowball fight with disdain.

I noticed one of those people happened to be Cam. He looked back at me as well, with very sad puppy dog eyes. I quickly looked away.

"Are you still ignoring him?" Alix asked, looking over at the pack.

"I'm not ignoring anyone . . . we're just not talking."

She made a disapproving noise in the back of her throat and stood up.

"I'm going to join the snowball fight. Please figure out what you're doing, because it seems you're only hurting yourself." She said and skipped over to the vampires.

The Dark Witch: The Nox Haven SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now