Chapter 28: In The Dark of The Night

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Caddie's POV:

I stood in my dorm's bathroom, staring at the mirror. My skin looked pale and sallow, and my blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the sun set from the window. In the dark of the night I would become invisible due to my black attire. I wore a black long sleeve shirt, dark pants, and combat boots. I raised my hand to my neck where the silver locket hung delicately on the chain.

I planned on taking it off for the night but my fingers hesitated on the clasp. The locket hadn't left my neck since the day I was given it. Turning swiftly from the mirror, I left the locket alone and hurried out of my room.

I had tried to reason with both Alix and Cam, but neither would listen to me. Neither one of them cared about their lives. Instead, they seemed more concerned about mine. They had said one day, "If you died tonight, I could never live with myself knowing that I had the chance to save you."

Allowing them to risk their lives because of me was one of the most selfish things I ever could have done. As I slowly crept down the main staircase, I thought of all of things that could happen in the next few hours. I was not physically prepared for a fight, and I wasn't mentally prepared for someone to die.

Dmitri stood by the exit with an impatient look on his beautiful face. Originally, I had thought that knowing his secret would improve my relationship with him, but I still hadn't forgiven him for not wanting to save his brother.

If I didn't force him to come along, he would have been sleeping soundly in his dorm room, forgetting all about his twin. My nostrils flared with anger, and I tried to dismiss the rage that was exploding within me. I hated how passionate I had become about Aleksander. For weeks I had been weary about my choice to save him but in the end, my decision never changed.

As I approached the enormous wooden doors, Dmitri muttered a few foreign words and they swung open. Outside, Alix and Cam were already waiting for us. Their faces were expressionless, but I could feel the anxiety in the air.

We had dealt with the dark ones before. It was a frightening experience that still haunted my dreams. No normal person would ever purposely search for the dark ones, then again what is normal?

There was a time when the only thing I wanted to be, was 'normal.' I would pretend to be an average teen, and fail miserably. The concept of normal had eluded me for fifteen years of my life. Until I realized I didn't care. Being normal is impossible, because nothing is normal. I'm different, weird, and possibly legally insane, but I'd rather be all those things than something I'm not. Some people scream my name out in fear others will whisper it in respect, but either way they can't dispute the fact that I am the Dark Witch.

"If we don't leave now, I'm going to back to bed," Dmitri said with an agitated expression on his face.

I reached out and grabbed his arm. He twisted uncontrollably as I seared his flesh. Once he began to squeal I let go and bounded over to Cam and Alix.

Alix looked smug. I knew that if the situation wasn't so serious she would have been laughing. Cam, on the other hand, continued to look concerned and devastated. I didn't understand why, but ever since he discovered that I planned on finding Aleksander he constantly felt betrayed.

"Does anyone know how to find the tunnels?" I asked and winced at how unprepared we were. We didn't even know where we were going yet, I couldn't even think about any other surprises we might come across.

Alix eyes glazed over momentarily before she spoke up, "I can see us travel five miles to the western part of the forest."

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