Chapter 19

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“There's one thing I don’t understand,” I say to Daniel as we walk to the farm. “Over the years, Eve and I have encountered countless Trackers. None of them have been able to discuss the Sunblade’s affairs with us. But you and Gregor seem to be able to speak freely without dying.”

“The Sunblade tattoo. It prevents Trackers from disclosing anything about the Sunblade without the consent of their superiors. It also makes them obedient when given orders.”

“So the tattoos aren’t the same?” I ask.

“Yes. My uncle, Gregor, and I—and probably Ashin—have simple tattoos that give us more freedom. From what I know of Gregor, he was second-in-command to the Head Tracker in Rakoshan. And Maxwell wants me to be in charge of the Belveer division once he retires.”

“How do you feel about that?” I ask. “Taking charge of the Sunblade?”

“It’s a possibility.”                    

Startled, I glance at him and find him smiling at me. “Very funny,” I say, more relieved than amused.

“Before last night,” he says, smile fading, “I was willing to believe all Twice Born are evil. But now that I know there are innocent ones in Belveer, hiding in fear of the Sunblade, the thought of leading the Trackers who hunt them holds little appeal.”

A thought enters my mind. It’s dangerous, but it could change many things about the future, for Trackers and Twice Born alike. “If you become the leader of the Belveer division, you might have the power to make a difference.”

Daniel looks at me like I’m insane. Which I most likely am. “Think about it,” I add. “Instead of hunting Twice Born indiscriminately, you might be able to command the Trackers to target only those who cause trouble. And maybe you’ll find a way to create new Trackers without killing the Twice Born, too.

He shakes his head. “There’s no point considering it. My uncle isn’t going anywhere for now. It’ll be a long time before I take over, which means I have to follow his orders until then.”

“You’ll have no choice but to continue hunting these innocents.”


I don’t want to encourage Daniel to hurt people like me. Nor do I want to ask too much of him and put him in a situation he can’t handle. So I let it go.

When we reach the fork in the dirt road in the Farming District, Daniel stops me. “I’ll search for the Scarlet Blade alone. If there are Trackers still at the farm, I’ll have a better chance of blending in.”

“I know where I dropped it. You might not be able to find it without me.” Sighing, I add, “I’ll drive myself crazy waiting here. Don’t ask me to do so.”

He looks down the long road before us. “At least let me make sure it’s safe. Wait here?”

I nod and watch him leave. It’s not long before he becomes a small shape in the distance. I glance up at the sun. It’s just past midday, and the sun shines brighter than ever. I’ve never dreaded Eve’s emergence as much as I do now. Because I know what awaits me. Her anger when she finds out I broke my promise.

I’m equally angry at her for trying to drive a wedge between Daniel and me. How can she respect what he and I have while trying to destroy it at the same time? Seeing her memories hasn’t helped me understand her. She’s still the same old Eve: unpredictable and unapologetic.

I release a sharp breath. Every moment of harmony between us is quickly followed by discord and strife. Eve and I are too unalike to inhabit this body together for much longer. We’re rushing toward something catastrophic and it’s clearer with each passing day that only one of us will make it out alive.

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