Broken Glasses and Broken Hearts

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     "So." Violet leaned forward, watching me, "What are you going to do?"

     I shrugged, not sure there was really anything I could do. I had to tell the truth, to come out and tell Jack about my feelings for Logan. If Logan knew about Jack, why was it so hard for me to tell Jack about Logan?

     "Well, we're here for you." Hallie patted my back, "No matter what. You just have to make the decision for yourself, and we'll support it."

     "My decision," I mumbled, resting my head on the counter as it muffled the sound, "Is to date both of them."

    "That's not possible." Violet laughed. "You're just going to have to pick."

     I nodded, knowing she was right. I didn't want her to be though, and I moved back across the street. I had made a decision, and I was going to have to stick with it. Now, I just had to tell Logan. I eased into the store slowly, my eyes finding him behind the counter instantly. 

     "Logan," I whispered, leaning against the counter. 

     This caught his attention. He looked over at me and smiled, helping a customer. When he was finished, he came over. Smiling, he leaned forward to kiss my cheek. I stepped back,knowing it was it was already going to be hard for both of us. 

     "I picked Jack," I said quickly, not wanting to drag this on longer than it needs to.

     "You picked Jack?" 

      He tilted his head, confused. It took him a few seconds to understand exactly what I meant, and I saw his smile falter as he realized what I was saying. 

      "Yeah, I did." I frowned. "I'm so sorry."

      "It's fine." He smiled, "Whatever makes you happy."

      "Friends, though?"

      "I don't think I can." He shook his head, shrugging. "Sorry."

      I sighed, watching him head back to the register, a line of customers forming. That was it. I turned quickly, moving back across the street. I pushed open the door to Layla's, blinking. Tears blurred my vision, and I hadn't even realized I was crying until then. The girls rushed to me, wrapping their arms around me. 

     "You did good, Mace," Hallie reassured. 

     "I know." I sniffled. "I'm going to miss him though."

     "You've got Jack's party coming up tonight, though." Vi nudged me.

     "That's exciting." Hallie tried to make her voice sound overly cheery. 

     "Yeah, exciting," I groaned in response.


      Everyone was silent, eyes moving around us. I hesitated, wanting to speak but knowing no words would come out, even if I were trying. Of course, I wasn't. I took a deep breath, my eyes watching Jack's. Couldn't he understood what I was trying to say without making me say it? Sorry wasn't there, and I needed it.


     His voice was sharper than I had expected it to be, and it startled me. I looked across the empty room, my eyes meeting Violet and Hallie's. I didn't know what to say, and I hated it. I couldn't breathe as the room seemed to spin around me. I stumbled forward, reaching out to touch him arm. As he yanked it away, he looked to the door. Tyler was standing beside it, disapproval in his eyes when I looked over my shoulder to follow Jack's gaze.

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