That Morning

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    "Where'd your boyfriend go?" Logan growled, leaning forward on his elbows.

     I rolled my eyes, "I got rid of him. Stop being so jealous."

    "Maisie, I'm not going to help you cheat on him. If you want to be together, you're going to have to dump him." Logan stood up, continuing, "And don't tell me you don't want to be together. You're always flirting with me, and it's driving me crazy. If I can't have you, I—"

     "I'm sorry." I frowned, biting my lip. I knew he was right, I was turning into my mother. I had to break things off with one of them, but officially, Logan wasn't my boyfriend, and it wasn't like we'd kissed or anything. We had a flirty friendship, and that was it. Was that so bad? I would have to make that decision sooner rather than later. Although, deep down, I felt as though my decision had already been made.

     I wiped the tears from my cheeks, sniffling. It had been all good up until that point. I had made my decision, and I was sure I would be happy with it. I was so sure. I never expected to change my mind like I had. 

     The following morning, Logan and I had talked about the next step we'd need to take in our relationship. I had texted him late telling him that I had made my decision, and I had chosen him. We agreed to both have a night to sleep on it before we finalized anything or I talked to Jack. We had met outside of Layla's after he finished his overnight shift. 

     "Hi."  Logan's eyes met mine. 

     "Logan, what are we going to do?"

     His fingers curled around my wrist, butterflies moving around in my stomach as my heart rate elevated from his touch. He tugged me forward, his hands moving to find my hips. Our faces were so close, I could feel his breath on my lips. I closed my eyes in response, a smile tugging at my lips. 

     "Are you sure this is what you want?" 


     "Are you sure I'm what you want, Maisie?"

     "Yes," I breathed.

     And then his lips were on mine. My hands tangled into his hair, his hands gripping my hips as he pulled my body into his. 

    "Can we go somewhere?" he questioned. 

     "Yes," I repeated for a third time, my heart pounding in my chest.     

     Our hands were still all over each other when we pulled up in his driveway. He pushed the gear shift into park, his hands immediately leaving the steering wheel and finding me.  One hand cupped my face, pulling me in for another kiss as the other moved up and down my leg slowly, giving me goosebumps. I shifted toward him, just about to climb into his lap when he opened the driver-side door. I knew this was a cue that we'd be moving inside, and I climbed out my side quickly, slamming the door behind me as I chased him up the driveway. 

     His movements were rushed, his hands fumbling with his keys as he tried to unlock the front door. As soon as it was unlocked, he turned back to me, pressing his lips against mine again. I didn't object, only following him inside. He tossed his keys onto a table, kicking off one of his shoes in the entry way. I kicked the door closed behind us as his hand cupped my face, pulling me in for yet another kiss. 

     I had no regrets in that moment, overwhelmed by the love and kisses I was receiving. Everything had been so different with Jack. I felt so different -- so wanted -- with Logan. 

    We were already half way up the stairs when Logan ditched his other shoe. 

   "Your parents," I panted, kicking off mine when we reached the hallway.

   "Are out of town," he finished my sentence, pushing open the door to his room. 

    My lips found his again. Everything was so passionate. I wasn't even thinking straight.

     I shuttered, thinking about what was coming next. I felt a tear drip down my cheek as there was a knock on my door. 

     "Maisie?" I heard Hallie calling out, knocking softly again. 

     I didn't answer, still remembering that morning only two short days ago. 

     We moved to lay on the bed, his lips moving to my neck. And then it happened. 

     "That feels so good, Jack," I whispered.

     We both froze. 


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