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     Logan had no business showing up for that party. He wasn't invited, I thought to myself, anger cursing through my veins. No matter what feelings I had for him, I was still Jack's girlfriend. I sat down on the front step, leaning my body against the side of the apartment complex. The brick was cold against my warm skin, and I rested my head back against the wall, closing my eyes.

     "Maisie! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you!" His hands were cold, and they curled around my wrists, pulling me forward.

     "What are you doing here?" I looked across the room where Jack was socializing with other friends. As he usually did, he was neglecting me when his friends were around. Unlike Logan, who wrapped his arm around my shoulder and introduced me proudly to his friends, Jack made no attempt at establishing me as his girlfriend. I felt as if I was only another guest. Violet and Hallie moved across the room, settling themselves on the couch. There was room for me, if I wanted it, I knew.

     I looked at my feet; my sparkling heels were killing my toes. I frowned, shifting my weight to my other foot. When my eyes looked back up at Logan, he was smiling. He still hadn't answered my question, I remembered. "Why are you here?" I repeated.

     "I wanted to see what kind of parties your little boyfriend threw." 

     There was a devious tone as he spoke, and I blinked, not recognizing it. I could smell the alcohol on him, and I frowned, never seeing him like this. I had a feeling it was my fault he was so drunk. I had a feeling it was because of what I had told him earlier. I had a feeling I had made a giant mess, and I knew I had no idea how to get out of it.

     As if on cue, helping me figure out what his tone meant, Matt and Tony appeared, screaming. The music silenced, and the room seemed to move in slow motion as each of them began to toss the wine glasses across the room. As glass shattered, the guests screamed, everyone in panic now. I widened my eyes, looking back at Logan. "You asshole, make them stop!"

     I looked back to Jack, who had Matt by his arm. He was cussing him out, shoving him towards the door. I looked back to where Logan was standing. I could see Tyler out of the corner of my eye on his cell phone. The apartment was trashed, red wine spilled across the white carpets and broken glass. I couldn't believe it, the boys had seemed so innocent.

     "We were never here," Logan stated, leaning in to kiss my cheek. I closed my eyes, feeling his lips against my skin.

     "Maisie!" Tyler screamed, moving across the room. I could barely hear him with everyone yelling, but he lunged at me, a phone pressed to his ear. Logan scattered out, ducking around the crowds. You could hear his shoes as he sprinted down the hallway, Tony and Matt—who managed to shimmy out of Jack's grip and dart across the room—running behind him at full force.

     "You know him?" Tyler questioned. I looked across the room to where Hallie and Violet were sitting. They shrugged, shaking their heads slowly. 

     "No, I don't." I lied.

     "He kissed your cheek, Maize."

     "I don't know him or his friends."

     "Maisie, I'm on the phone with the cops. This kid did a lot of damage."

     "Let it go, Tyler. I don't know him, and he's gone now."

     Part of me wondered why was I covering for Logan. The other part of me felt a responsibility for all of this.

     Tyler bit his lip, before moving away. The phone never left his ear: the cops were on their way. I hesitated, before moving back to the girls. 

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