Chapter 13 - Possible Girls to Save Suna

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Chapter 13 – Possible Girls to Save Suna


[Rin’s POV]

“…We need your sister, Temari and your new friend over here,”

“What do you need us for?” someone asked from behind me and Gaara. It was Temari herself. I was going to ask the same question but obviously, she beat me to it.

“How do you know about us?” I asked. I was wondering why he needed me and Temari. We were specific kunoichis, he could have chosen any other kunoichis other than us.

He gave a laugh while Gaara glared at him. “I’ve known Temari for a long time, it started when we were first hunting the Shukaku, as for you…I’ve heard of your abilities. News spread fast. Other than that, you’ll be a great addition to the army,”

“If you’ve been informed about me, you do know that I could kill you in an instant,” I pointed out. “I bet that you don’t want that to happen, do you? After all, nobody would lead your army if that happens,”

“You wouldn’t do that,” he chuckled. “Once you kill me, Suna is going to blow up and be in pieces. If I die, Suna dies with me,”

“Wha—“ Temari gaped her mouth open. “How is that possible?”

“I have my ways,”

“I’ll go,” I walked towards him. I turned around, “Temari?” she nodded then walked with me.

“Just leave Suna untouched,” Temari glared at the rogue.

“Temari, Rin-chan, you sure about this?” Kankuro asked. “Gaara, aren’t you going to do something about this?”

“He doesn’t need to do anything,” I answered for the Kazekage. “It’s clearly our choice,”

“Don’t worry,” the rogue said. “You’ll probably be back in a week…if you survived,”

“What do you mean by that?” Temari asked him. “Who are we going to fight anyway?”

“You’ll find soon enough,” I was getting frustrated of his chuckles. It was too bad that I couldn’t kill him now, it was going to be fun watching that grin falter his face after all. “Let’s go,”

The travel to what I believed is called the Yumegakure, the village hidden among dreams, lasted for two days. Temari and I didn’t talk to anyone rather than ourselves. We talked about a lot of things but the majority of the talk revolved around what we’re going to do.

When we arrived at the foggy village, we didn’t go to the town. We went to somewhere more isolated. There were six groups who were forming a circle, and we were the last one to complete it. “You’re finally here, I thought you wouldn’t show up, Yuko,” a foreign rogue called out.

Yuko. That was the name of the rogue who captured us. “I’m going to win this war and get all your armies,”

So, the one who would win the rogue war would attain all the armies? “With two girls by your side? I could kill you in an instant,” another rogue said. I finally guessed why we were needed here. But I didn’t know why he picked us, there were other ninjas and kunoichis out there. We were here to guard Yuko and not let him get killed.

“You don’t know who these kunoichis are,” Yuko then introduced. “These are Temari of the Sa—“

“The Kazekage’s sister?” someone asked.

“Yes,” Yuko nodded. “And Rin Mizuka,”

“A Mizuka?” someone yelled then whisperings became loud. I looked over at Temari and saw that she was shocked. How did Yuko know about my family name? No. It wasn’t possible.

“You’re a Mizuka?” Temari asked from beside me. “The one who killed her clan?”

“Accused,” I cleared. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,”

“It’s okay,” she shook her head. “I was just shock. That’s why you hide your face?”

I nodded. I didn’t think that it would be this easy for Temari to forgive me. I was expecting her to tell on me but she handled it rather lightly. And I was very grateful for it. “Enough with the talking,” another leader of the group of rogues yelled. “Let’s start,”

Ninjas ran towards each other while we stayed in place for a minute observing the scenery. “We need to guard him,” I told Temari. “Once he dies, Suna will blow up,”

And then the fight had begun.

If blew up everyone who tried to get near Yuko. I couldn’t blow them up all together because that would lose me all my chakra. There were thousands of them and as far as I believed, four groups already vanished because their leader was killed. Luckily, we were still alive.

Yuko didn’t need to do anything. He was just standing there, amazed at the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

I cloned myself and used taijutsu to everyone who got near me or the one that I’m guarding. I was getting tired and so was Temari. We were both having troubles catching our breaths and attacking non-stop at the same time.

“No!” Temari yelled and before I knew it, Yuko was on the ground. We ran towards Yuko and saw him struggling for his life. “What do we do, Rin?” a kunai was stuck in his heart and blood was pouring out of it. Not only that, the kunai was poisoned.

“There’s only one thing we could do…” I whispered.

“You’re not talking about that, are you?”

“I am talking about that,” I removed the kunai from Yuko then touched the wound. The wound shifted on me and I suddenly fought the urge to faint.

Yuko opened his eyes in shock, probably wondering why he was alive. “Take off the jutsu that binds you to Suna,” I said through clenched eeth.

“Silly girl,” he chuckled. “There’s no jutsu that can bind me to Suna. You just fell into a trap,”

“What?” Temari asked.

“Damn it,” I hissed and blew him up in no time. I couldn’t believe it. We were tricked into this. I touched Temari and transported back to Gaara’s office. A transportation made this far would suck up my chakra, and I knew I was too late to realize that when I fell half-dead on the ground. 

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