Chapter 15 - Kyoko and Aido

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Chapter 15 – Kyoko and Aido


[Rin’s POV]


I slowly opened my eyes without anyone inside the same room as me, not even Gaara. It wasn’t like I was expecting him to be here. There were many things that were more important than me. It was a good thing that nobody changed my clothes. It was less hassle for me.

I transported into the Kazekage’s office and saw him sitting on his office chair while his chin was on both of his intertwined hands. “I’m sorry,” that was the only thing I heard him say before I heard something appear behind me and touched me.

I felt my chakra drained down and a sudden pain in one of my pressure points. “Kyoko,” I spat before I blacked out.

I knew that it was the second time I opened my eyes today. I wasn’t in the hospital room. I was still in Suna, outside the Kazekage’s building.

There was a slight difference.

It was the familiar faces of my villagers surrounding me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything. My chakra was drained down to zero by the woman that used to be my mentor.

She was my teacher.

She was my uncle’s lover.

And she believed that I killed my clan.

I was kneeling on the ground with my hands tied behind my back. Kyoko was behind me, just in case if I regained my chakra again. That was her infamous Kekkei Genkai, she could drain any chakra down to zero.

In front of me was Gaara with Temari and Kankuro. “Why can’t you just kill me now?” I asked Kyoko. “Why don’t you just end this suffering?”

“I don’t want you to die just yet, Rin,” she told me. “I want you to suffer. Like I’ve been suffering for all these years,”

I avoided Gaara’s eyes on me. I didn’t want to look at him. I didn’t want to see what his reaction would be. I knew that he would be looking at me with those hatred-filled eyes. “She’s innocent, Gaara,” Temari told his brother.

“She is not,” Kyoko interrupted. “She killed her own clan!”

Kyoko held my hair out of my face and ripped my mask out of my face. I knew that my eyes were now turned back to violet because I had no chakra to manipulate to make my eyes look black anymore.

Kyoko then went in front of me and kicked me in the stomach, making me cough some blood. A couple of ninjas from my old village held me in both arms, and made me stand up. Kyoko slapped me in the face and kicked my stomach one more time.

“Aren’t you going to do something about this, Gaara?” Temari asked. I knew that she was nearing to her tears. Kankuro just stared at me in shock, not knowing what to do.

“Stop torturing her, Kyoko,” another familiar voice interrupted. A guy then came out of the crowd of the angry villagers. “It’s my job, remember?”

“Aido,” I whispered. “Why are you here?”

“To get you back, of course,” he smirked.

Aido was the ninja my parents picked for me to marry. He was only a year older than me. He was handsome, but not that close to the Kazekage. I mentally shook my head. I couldn’t compare the two. Gaara hated me.

Aido then held a ball of fire in his left hand. “Stop it!” Gaara yelled but Aido didn’t listen to him. He pressed the ball of fire in my stomach. I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from screaming in pain. But unluckily, I didn’t succeed.

I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. My only support was the ninjas holding me. “Get away from her!” Temari yelled, ready to attack. But Kankuro held her back, comforting her.

“Don’t worry about me, Temari,” I said while looking down. I didn’t want them to see my face that was deep in pain. “I knew that this would happen soon enough,”

“You can still talk?” Aido asked me. “What a very great kunoichi you are. I will hold another wedding. Can we go now, Kyoko?”

“You still want to marry her?” Kyoko snickered.

“Like I would even say yes,” I spat.

“Trust me,” Aido smirked once again. “You have no choice,”

“Let’s go,” Kyoko started walking.

[Gaara’s POV]


I just stood there while they dragged Rin away from us. “Why didn’t you do anything?!” Temari yelled at me. “Did you really believe that she killed her own clan?! She even saved Suna! What kind of Kazekage are you?!”

“I didn’t have a choice,” I said. “She wasn’t someone from here. She was a citizen of their village,”

“But still!” she cried. “She wasn’t the one who killed them! Why do I even bother?! You don’t care about her!” and she ran away from us.

“Temari!” Kankuro yelled. He then looked at me with serious eyes, “For a Kazekage, you sure are dumb. I’m so ashamed to call you as my brother right now,” and then he ran away from me too.

Did I do the wrong thing?

I wanted to do something about it. But it wasn’t in my power.

I was sitting on my chair, thinking of Rin. What if she wasn’t really the one who killed her own clan? What if it was someone else who killed her clan?

A white-haired ninja stormed inside my room. “What are you doing here, Kakashi?” I asked.

“Where is she?” he demanded calmly.

“They took her away,”

“And you didn’t do anything about it?”

“It wasn’t in my power,” I closed my eyes. That was the only reason. I kept telling myself that that’s the only reason.

“You’re useless,” he told me, the calmness disappearing from his voice. I opened my eyes again. Kakashi was a famous and smart ninja. He knew for himself that talking nonsense to the Kazekage wouldn’t do him any good. But for now, I’d let this passed. “You don’t have an idea of what she’s been through. She didn’t kill her clan,”

“Who did?” I asked, obviously he knew the answer. I didn’t know how, but I just got the feeling that he did.

“Orochimaru,” he answered. “She told me,”

“She told you?” I asked, confused.

Why didn’t she tell me?

“It’s none of your business to know why she told me and not you,” he turned around and started to walk out of the room. “If I was your age, I would definitely treasure someone like her. Not like you did,”

When he walked out of the room, that’s when I fully realized.

What did I just do?

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