Chapter 16 - Tortured to Death

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Chapter 16 – Tortured to Death


[Rin’s POV]



That’s the meaning of the name Rin.

Why my parents decided to name me after that personality made me wonder about it.

Did they really expect me to be cold when I grow up?

Did they expect me to be like this even before they were murdered?

I guess I kind of got their vision of naming me Rin. Being a ninja, you needed to act all heartless to be feared. And as well for being cold, it was a sign of power. I guess being named like this, they just wanted me to be invincible.

Maybe I was invincible. My Kekkei Genkai was deadly on its own.

But Kyoko’s Kekkei Genkai was enough to make me useless. It’s powerful in physical contact like taijutsu, but in genjutsu and ninjutsu, it was useless too.

If I relied on taijutsu, I still didn’t have a chance considering that I didn’t have the energy to battle a thousand of ninjas in the first place.

I also didn’t blame Gaara for giving me away. It was not like he did have a choice. I wasn’t a part of their village.

This was my real village.

They owned me.

Gaara wouldn’t be able to do something about it even if they tried.

Well, that was what I wanted to believe.

He could have done something, but he chose not to. But who was I to complain in the first place? I was nothing to him. I was just another trespasser of their village who managed to get rid of his nightmares.

How could a girl like me mean something to him?

Getting rid of his nightmares? Anyone could do that to him. I used no power to make him get rid of it. I just simply used the technique of ‘company’.

I hadn’t slept ever since my parents were murdered. Just as I explained before, I put chakra into my brain to keep me awake.

I knew there was one way for me to sleep again, and it was if in any case my parents were alive again, or if it was me being dead.

For now, I knew that the second option had the highest rate of coming true.

And that’s what I wanted to happen.

[Gaara’s POV]


It had already been three weeks since I last saw her.

Three weeks.

When I saw her mask being removed, I saw the strongest and the most beautiful kunoichi in the ninja world. Her violet eyes haunted me every single day. I didn’t sleep again. I simply refused but I didn’t say that I didn’t try.

It wasn’t my soul that was refusing.

It was my body refusing.

Temari hadn’t come back for three weeks. When she ran away from me that time, she did not go back. I guess that she was staying at Konoha. It was either with that shadow guy she was having an affair with or an apartment that she could rent.

Kakashi’s visit never left my head and as well as our conversation.


“If I was your age, I would definitely treasure someone like her. Not like you did,”


That was the exact words that he said and it never left my mind. It kept repeating inside my head again and again, wondering what the meaning was behind his words.

If what he said was the direct thought of the sentence, he was simply saying that he took a liking to Rin but was old enough to have a relationship with her. Or was there another reason? Maybe Rin reminded him so much of his past, a woman, maybe.

But that was the least of my problems now.

Three weeks, I had been thinking of what to do. I was in the middle of two decisions of getting her back and settling down, not do anything about it.

As a Kazekage, it was a must for me to always take the right choices.

Was saving Rin a right choice?

For Rin’s villagers, maybe it wasn’t.

But for me?

It would mean the world to me to get her back.

But I couldn’t possibly battle the majority with my personal needs, could I?

[Rin’s POV]


“I will not marry you, Aido,” I breathed out. Another stinging pain came from my back but this time, the pain lessened. My upper body was now numb and it meant feeling nothing.

“Just say yes and we’ll stop this,” Aido said in front of me. “You know I hate seeing you get hurt,”

“Back off,” I spat. “Not in a million years would I ever marry you,”

“Another one, please,” Aido ordered to the ninja behind me. My hands were tied above the ceiling while there was a ninja whipping my back. “A little yes won’t hurt, Rin. Don’t you want to get your clan back on track?”

“You believe that I killed them,” I glared at him. “Why would I want to get that clan back?”

“Good point,” he nodded. “But you aren’t still going to say yes?”

“I said no, Aido!” I yelled. “You have to kill me first! I wouldn’t marry a man whose head is fed up with power!”

“Use fire,” Aido glared at me. Maybe my words got to him, and that was what I wanted to accomplish.  At first, I thought I was numb, but when a burning sensation was felt behind me, I knew that I wasn’t even close to being numb. “You’re still not going to say yes?” he asked and I just glared at him, obviously it was a ‘no’. Aido then looked at the ninja behind me. “Continue whipping her until she says yes. I’ll be back tomorrow morning. If I catch you sleeping, I’ll kill you. Don’t stop whipping her and don’t forget to use fire at every hit,”

“Yes, master,” the ninja replied.

“Let’s see how long it will take you to say yes, Rin,” Aido smirked at me.

Even though I was in deep pain, I smirked back. “I already told you that I would die first, Aido. My decision is not going to change,”

“Even if the whip could kill you?” he frowned.

“Definitely,” I said, the smirk not faltering my face.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” and he walked out of the torturing room.

See me tomorrow?

Yeah, right.

Like I would even be alive to see his face again.

Author's Note - Ron-Chan (Kunoichi101)

Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to start updating regularly if I can. I think it will start next week, and obviously if you're reading this after a million years, this wouldn't be a problem to you anymore.

And the next story that I'm going to start is a Kakashi Fan Fiction. I just love him so much that I can't seem to wait to make a story for him.

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