Last Chapter - Out of Obstacles

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Last Chapter – Out of Obstacles

[Rin's POV]

"I'm at my limits of getting pissed," I sighed. As Matsuri attacked me, the wall nearest to her, slammed her back. "A simple girl like you wouldn't be able to kill me. I pity you for even trying,"

"Gaara-kun," she looked at her love interest, quite begging for help.

"You've gone too far, Matsuri," Gaara told her. "You already called her clan just to get her tortured, now you want her killed. She's a citizen of this village,"

"Wha—" Gaara didn't even let Matsuri finish her sentence.

"And she has more value to Suna even if I triple your existence," I couldn't believe that Gaara would say that to her, but I needed to admit, I was flattered by what he said. "Please leave this room, Matsuri. I quit being your mentor. If I heard that you've been doing reckless things again, I'll send you to another village,"

"Gaara-kun," she cried then aimed for the door. "I hate you!"

After she left, I looked at the Kazekage. "Are you really okay with that? You lost someone who feels something strong for you,"

"I'm more than okay with it," he looked at me. "I only need one person to feel something that strong for me,"

"Really?" I asked, didn't know who he was talking about. "You have someone you like?"

"And she already confessed to me," he admitted. "It's the first time that I felt very happy about a confession,"

"If it's not Matsuri, who is it?"

"You really don't remember?" he asked and I nodded. "It was you,"

"Me?" he took my hand and intertwined my fingers with his. "Please give me the permission to search your memories, Kazekage," he nodded to give me the permission, and I entered his mind. There's was only one word that came out from my mouth when he found me in my village, all tortured and beaten up.

"I love you"

He was right. I did confess to him. I told him the feelings that came out when I saw him. I wasn't even knowledgeable about these feelings myself. So this was what my parents were talking about.

Gaara really was the special someone they were talking about.

My parents really did watch over me. Even though they were gone, they were still taking care of me. Now that I knew of it, it gave me more strength. It made me feel more alive. Inch by inch, the coldness in my heart was melting away.

I was becoming more of a person than I did before.

This time, I wasn't alone.

"I'm sorry about that," I told him sincerely. "I really thought that I was going to die, that I wouldn't be able to have a choice,"

"You're so silly," he pulled me so my head was leaning on his chest. "When you said that, my world stopped. I felt that I was the luckiest shinobi in the world, but pushed aside the feeling because you were dying,"

"What do you feel for me?" I whispered, but with just the two of us inside the room. I knew he was able to hear it.

"I lo—"

"Rin!" Temari slammed the door open. "I'm so glad you're alright!" she ran towards me, not caring what Gaara and I's position was. She pulled Gaara away from me and hugged me. "I didn't know what to do when you were captured because my idiot of a brother didn't know what's the right thing to do at first. And I still haven't forgiven him for that!"

"Same here!" Kankuro entered the room lastly. "What an idiot of a brother I have,"

"It's alright," I assured them. "He was just confused, right, Gaara?"

"I'm sorry if I let you go through that torture," he lowered his head.

"You just have to promise us that you'll protect Rin from now on," Temari told his brother. It was more of a command.

"With all my power," Gaara told his sister. "I will,"

"Good to know," Temari ruffled her brother's hair. It was something that I didn't see every day. It was interesting to watch. Temari turned her attention back to me. "Your face is not something I see every day, are you going to drop the mask from now on?"

I touched my face and felt no cloth masking my face. "Oh yeah, Kyoko removed it," I whispered. "I might not go back to being a masked ninja now that I'm free," I then realized that I said something unclear. "Am I free?"

"You are," Kankuro answered. "You can go catch the hearts of guys with your face,"

"Kankuro," the Kazekage glared at his brother. "Shut up,"

"Jealous, are we?" Temari mocked.

"I'll just let the three of you catch up," Gaara sighed. "As for you, Rin, meet me at the place where I first found you,"

After Temari and Kankuro caught up with my life story, I went to the rooftop of the Kazekage's building.  I didn't know why Gaara wanted me to go here, but I just did, and it was out of pure curiosity.   

Gaara was there, gazing at the starry night. It was like how I first saw him before, the one who was always deep in thought, the one who wasn't even to sleep because he couldn't face his nightmares, and the one who I aided.

I sat beside him and gazed upon the stars. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked me.

"It is," I smiled.

"The stars remind me of you,"

 I looked at him, confused. "Why is that?"

"It's because you're beautiful," he looked at me then gave me a smile. My eyes widened because of what he said. I didn't expect a direct compliment from him. "I haven't known you for that long and I'm head over heels for you,"

"What?" I whispered.

"You're the missing piece that I didn't even know I needed," he touched my face and looked at his green-eyes. "You're the one I'm searching for, but was lost because I didn't even know where to start,"

I held his hand that was touching my face and smiled at him. "Maybe you're the one that needs searching, Gaara,"

"I found you and that's all that matters," he leaned in so that our faces were just inches away from each other. "I love you,"

And before I could even respond, he closed the distance between us.

The night sped by so fast but there were quite some things that I was happy about. First, I have great friends to count on. Second, my parents are always there to guide me. And third, I could now sleep peacefully every night with Gaara beside me.

There's a first time in everything, that's what they say. But for me, that saying has a different meaning, because my first time would last every day until forever.


It's finished guys! The next love story/Fan Fiction is for Shino! Hope you guys stay tuned because I'm going to update regularly from now on.

And I recently turned into a cosplayer. Please like my facebook my page and my posts there!

Here's the link  :

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