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"Oh look who finally decided to call." Mrs. Hartman answered her phone as I called her the next morning and she was definitely pretty mad at me.

"I'm so sorry Miss, I took care of Michael till like past midnight yesterday and I thought you'd already be asleep."

"Wait you met him already?" she asked surprised.

"Yes Miss, I met him in the elevator and he was already flirting. We met up at the hotel bar later yesterday and drank a bit too much."

"This is perfect. I knew you would be perfect for the project."

"Yeah about that, I'm still not so sure about this. Now that I've actually met Michael I know that he's an amazing person an-"

"You can't drop out now, it's already too late. Try and get Clifford to go out with you and text us where you're going so we can take pics." she interrupted me and hung up before I could say anything else.

Just as I put my phone into the pocket of my black skinnies I was wearing, I heard three knocks on my door.

"Hailey, right?" Calum asked and walked in without waiting for a response.

"Uhm yeah, what's up?" I asked confused not even bothered to close the door again.

"Michael wanted to invite you for breakfast but was too shy to do it himself so I wanted to do it but I heard you talking on the phone." he said, sounding somewhat angry.


"I don't want to hear your fucking excuse. I swear if you hurt Michael I'm gonna make you wish you never met us." he pointed at me and I swear I almost peed my pants.

"What's going on here?" Michael walked into my room with a confused expression on his cute little face.

"Nothing." Calum and I answered at the same time.

"Oh-kay. So are you in for breakfast?"

"Sure." I smiled at him.

I grabbed my purse with some money in it and the key to my room and walked over to Michael. In the corner of my eyes I could see Calum glaring at me and I felt so bad.

"I'll be in our room." Calum glared at me once again and left.

"Let's go then." Michael said excitedly and, to my surprise, grabbed my hand.

In the elevator I secretly texted Mrs. Hartman that we were about to leave the hotel but I regretted it as soon as we walked through the entrance of the hotel.

Michael was somehow still holding my hand as one of the TMZ paps approached us and shoved his camera into our faces.

"Michael Clifford is this your girlfriend? Or is she just a groupie?" the guy I'd seen a few times at the office before asked.

I hated this feeling. Now I knew how celebs felt and I felt even worse about the whole project.

I covered my face with my free hand and as Michael saw that I was uncomfortable he dragged me to the right side, away from the paparazzi.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't know that paps already found out where we were staying." Michael apologized as we were further away from the hotel entrance and the paparazzi.

"It's alright it's just..how do you live with this?" I asked still a bit shocked.

"I don't know. I guess I got used to it." he shrugged. "Let's get some food. There's a little coffee place down this road."

"Okay." I smiled at him and then we headed there.


I only started this fanfic a bit ago and I already suck at updating lol I'm sorry

the tour dog is so cute I want ten *heart eye emoji*

love ya

- tori ♡

Paparazzi // michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now