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After Michael and I got back from our short walk, during which we got to know some new things about each other, we got into the elevator again and headed to the 4th floor on which the hotel restaurant was.

Michael sweetly introduced me to Luke and Ashton and I swear I could see Calum glaring at me.

Michael, of course, insisted on sitting next to me which gave me a lot of opportunities to get closer to him.

He was wrapped around my finger so damn hard.

He made stupid jokes which I thought were so stupid that they were funny again. And I laughed.

Towards the end of dinner I "accidentally" spilled my water on him and his white button up shirt got wet.

I grabbed a napkin and tried to rub it dry, which didn't really work. I felt Michael looking down at me as I kept cussing that I fucked up which made him giggle.

"Hailey don't worry about it." he said and I saw his big smile as I finally looked at him.

"I'm seriously so sorry." I apologised again.

"You're so cute when you're worried." he giggled again and suddenly pecked my cheek which caused me to blush.

As I looked around I saw that the other guys were caught up in their own conversations so they didn't catch any of this.

Bless god.

"Let me at least blow dry your shirt?"

"You won't give up, huh?" he grinned and started to get off his chair.

"Nope because I feel guilty." I giggled and followed his movements.

Michael quickly told the guys what's up and a few moments later we were in the bathroom of my hotel room.

"Ugh that's burning hot, stop." Michael complained as I started to blow dry his shirt.

"I'm just gonna pull it off." he added and started unbuttoning it but he was really struggling so I took the chance and helped him.

We intensely looked at each other while unbuttoning his shirt and I must say, I was really attracted to him right then and there.

His green eyes where just as beautiful as his other facial features.

His light pink lips looked so damn soft and kissable, like he'd been using chapstick since the day he was born.

Even his now revealed little tummy was extremely cute.
I mean, who needs muscular douches when you have Michael fucking Clifford right in front of you.

Remembering that this was just a stupid job project and that I wasn't supposed to be falling for him, I finally got out of my little trance and grabbed the shirt out of his hands and started blow drying it again.


"Can I show you something?" Michael asked a few minutes later, already wearing his now dry shirt again.

"Uh, sure?" I responded confused, then followed him out the door and to the elevator.

After us getting in and Michael pressing the button for the very last floor, the elevator's door closed and headed down.


"Woah shit I didn't know the hotel had an indoor pool?" I said with excitement as Michael and I got out of the elevator.

There was a huge ass pool with a waterfall at the other end of where we were standing and hundreds of little lights on the ceiling which made it look like they were stars.

"I didn't know either until yesterday." Michael smiled proudly.

"Well let's go for a swim then." I giggled.

"Wait what? We don't even have swimming clothes here?" he said pretty surprised which caused me to giggle even more.

"I don't care. Come on help me out of this torture of clothing." I turned around and held my hair over my shoulder so Michael could zip down the zipper.

A second later I was out of my dress and shoes and standing there in only my bra and underwear.

I caught Michael looking me up and down and I could feel my cheeks heat up again.

"Come on." I encouraged him once again before jumping into the surprisingly warm water, not even giving a fuck about my makeup.

Michael hurriedly pulled off his shirt and jeans as well as his shoes and jumped in in only his boxers.

"You're crazy and you even look crazy with your smudged makeup." he chuckled and I splashed water at him.

"Don't make fun of me and help me get it off." I giggled and started rubbing the makeup off.

"Is it gone?" I asked and looked up at Michael who cracked up with laughter and shook his head.

"Let me help you." he sweetly said and swam over to me after he'd calmed down.

He gently rubbed under my eyes and I couldn't help but stare at him.

The longer he washed my makeup away the slower his movements became and soon he stopped fully and rested his hands on my cheeks.

"I don't know if I've said this before but you're really pretty."

"Thank you. You're not that bad yourself." I said and wanted to look away but it was impossible.

My heart was racing so fast, I don't even know what was coming over me.
I can't fall for him, I just can't.

He kept smiling down at me and slowly started to lean in.

Ugh fuck it I think I already fell for him.

Just as our lips where about to touch, being only millimeters apart, a loud and angry voice scared the shit out of us and ruined the moment.




michael is an angel, tell all your friends and enemies

ily guys

- tori ♡

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