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sorry for not updating, I was busy dying bc of all these michael solos in the new songs and badlands anD BLONDE MICHAEL


"I'm sorry." Michael apologised again for the paparazzi incident.

"Stop apologising, it's not your fault." I giggled and he smiled shyly as we sat down with our coffees at one of the tables in the small coffee shop.

"Michael stop." I complained.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Pulling that sad face! It's alright, really. I'm alright." I sad almost desparately.

"I'm sorry." he said and put his hands on top of mine without even realising that he'd apologised again.

I didn't say anything though since he would've probably apologised again. So here I was, staring into Michael Clifford's beautiful green eyes while he was holding my hands.

What was I doing?

I quickly looked away and pulled my hands away. To make it not look so awkward I grabbed my coffee and took a sip.

As I looked back at Michael, he was looking down at his coffee and I noticed that he was slightly blushing.


"Do you wanna come in?" I asked as we reached my hotel room.

"No thanks, I think I should spend some time with Cal." he smiled.

"Right." I nodded and smiled back before I turned around and unlocked the door.


"Yeah?" I turned around again and caught him nervously looking at the ground.

God why was he like that.

"Are you gonna be in the hotel restaurant later for dinner?" he asked and scratched the back of his neck, slowly looking up to me.

"Yep, why?"

"Well I thought maybe you want to sit with me and the guys? So you don't have to sit all by yourself?"

"That would be great." I smiled at him.

"Cool. See you later then." he smiled back and unexpectedly pulled me into a hug before heading off to his room.

I entered my room as well and slid down the door as so I'd closed it.

Michael made me feel so weird. He is so cute and nervous sometimes and then he is a confident little shit, I don't even know what's coming over me.

I shouldn't be falling for a celeb but I think it's slowly happening.


"Hailey I'm so happy you took the project offer. We already have great pics of you and Clifford and our article is already up on the TMZ website, fans are going insane." Mrs. Hartman said on the phone.

After I took a nap, watched TV, took a shower and got ready for dinner, I decided I should probably call my boss.

"Does this mean I'm done?"

"No, silly, this is just the beginning. We need more pics or the fans won't believe us for long." she almost laughed at me.

"I'm going to eat dinner with him and the boys in about an hour." I stated in hopes that it's enough.

"Great. We'll send someone to sneak in and take pics. Try to be as close as possible to Clifford."

"Okay." I sighed.

"Hailey I know this is hard for you because you have a big heart. But I know you need the money so there's no way you can drop out now. Have a great dinner." she said quite annoyed and hung up right afterwards.

Since I didn't have anything to do now for about an hour I decided to go for a short walk.

My plan didn't work out though because as soon as I'd left my room Michael shouted my name.

"Hailey!!" he shouted from in front of his room door.

"Hi there handsome." I grinned as I saw that he was dressed fancier than usual.

He wasn't wearing a full tux but he was wearing a whit button up shirt with a fancy coat and his black skinny jeans and black converse.

"Shut up Ashton told me to dress like this." he giggled and walked up to me.

"You look great, I need to thank Ashton for that." I smiled.

"You look great too." he smiled back and looked me up and down.

This was quite a fancy hotel so I thought it would be a good idea to wear a dress for dinner. It wasn't anything special though just a black laced one.

"Thanks." I still smiled, not knowing what else to do.

"Where were you going?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to go for a quick walk before dinner starts, I guess, since I don't have anything better to do." I shrugged.

"Can I join?" he asked sweetly and I nodded.


I'm srsly so sorry for not updating for so long but no one is reading this anyway so yeah lol

love ya

- tori ♡

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