When I was Normal: Part 3

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Super short part, but the next one will be longer.

Before long, Anna Marie was called to dinner. Irene made a simple dinner of burgers and fries. Brail labels covered her spices and other food products. It helped in not getting the sugar and salt mixed up.

Even after the ice cream treat, Anna Marie was still very hungry. After eating all of her fries, she was ready for seconds. For a small framed girl, she had quite the appetite, and she was never too full for dessert.

Her mother had gone to the market the day before, a woman not up for baking opting for a ready-made fresh apple pie. There was still some left and Anna Marie pleaded with her aunt for just a small piece. Irene complied with a generous helping of whipped cream. Little Anna Marie devoured the dessert in record time and raced back into the living room to resume her cartoon watching. After about an hour or so, she had fallen asleep on the couch. Irene didn't have the heart to wake her and retrieved a blanket from the linen closet and covered her.

It was nearly nine o'clock when Irene started yawning and felt the need for sleep. Anna Marie's mother and her best friend had not returned yet, but that was just like her. She would often disappear for days and come back with only one simple explanation. "It was business."

The night had taken over and the house had turned dark. Its two occupants fell well into slumber, but Anna Marie had stirred around midnight. Her mouth dry, she felt the need for a glass of water, so she got up and walked to the kitchen and climbed on the stool to find her favorite cup sitting on the counter. She didn't have time to turn on the faucet when she heard footsteps behind her. She knew they didn't belong to her aunt or her mother. They were way too heavy. She turned around to see a man with pale skin and the oddest-looking eyes. She was scared, and screamed out of fright.

Suddenly the man grabbed her and covered her mouth. "Quiet now, little Anna. Don't want to wake Auntie Re," he said. She felt a sharp pain in her neck and fell unconscious.

A cliffhanger!!! Sorry about this part being so short, but in the next chapter little Anna Marie is going to meet a new friend.

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