Under Cover: Part 4

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Rogue opened up the door and stepped out into the hallway. She was trying to put as much distance between Remy and Mystique as she could. She shut the door behind her and looked up to see the angry glare in Mystique's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Rogue asked, looking confused by Mystique's attitude. The woman could be hard, but she had never yelled at her like that before.

"I want to talk to you about last night," she said. Rogue used her best poker face and wondered if somehow, she had found out about her and Remy.

"Ah have no idea what you mean," Rogue said, shaking her head a bit.

"I mean you and Fred coming in after midnight."

"It was more like 11:30, and we were home well before curfew, and it wasn't even a school night."

"You shouldn't have been out with him in the first place," Mystique said, grabbing her arm. It was a good thing she hadn't touched her exposed skin. She was still wearing the necklace, and she would have known something wasn't right.

"Why not? Fred and ah are friends, and even if it is somethin' more it ain't none of your business!" Rogue yelled. "You ain't my momma, and you can't tell who ah can and cannot see!"

"Rogue, I am trying to protect you!" Mystique said. "I promised your aunt that I would look after you, and that means that I will not allow you to run wild especially with your mutation."

"Ah ain't runnin' wild. We just went to the derby and out to eat. That's it!" She turned around to go back into her room, but Mystique wasn't done talking to her.

"Sweetie, I just want to spare you the pain," she said and put her hand on rogue's shoulder. "You can never be with a man, not with your powers, and you need to accept that."

"Ah don't have to accept anything!" Rogue yelled back. "If ah wanna go out with a boy ah will, and you can't stop me!"

She opened her door and stepped inside and slammed it hard. She locked the door and could still hear Mystique's words over and over in her head. In a way she was right. If it hadn't been for the gem she and Remy stole from the Assassins she wouldn't be able to touch him or anyone else. She wanted to lie on her bed and cry, but she remembered that she left Remy hiding under it.

"Remy," she whispered and sat down on the floor on her knees. "You can come out now." She lifted up the bed skirt and to see if she could find him, but to her surprise he wasn't there. She looked over to the closet and then to the window. It was opened wide, and before it was just cracked. She figured he made his escape, and she was disappointed. She thought about what they were about to do before Mystique rudely interrupted them.

She sat down on her bed missing Remy already. She looked over to her pillow and saw a note written on her scroll print stationary. She picked it up and read it.

Sorry for leaving so suddenly, but I didn't want to get you into any more trouble. Try to make an excuse to be gone this weekend, and we can pick up where we left off. Meet me in the park on Friday at 6:00 pm.

All my love


P.S. Wear something sexy.

Rogue smiled at that last part and folded up the letter and hid it in her jewelry box. She knew she should destroy the letter, but she just couldn't. She would make a treasure of it and hid it in a place she was sure no one would find it.

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