Destination: New York: Part 3

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The song I used for this part is Here in my Head by Tori Amos.

Rogue woke early the next morning despite the fact the boys kept her up have the night arguing and didn't sleep more than an hour straight. It finally quieted down about 4 am, but Rogue still couldn't get to sleep. It was not a mystery why. She had that dream again, the one with the boy calling her from beyond this misty swamp repeating the same four words.

"Come back to me."

She would always wake up in a cold sweat, so after 5:30am showed on her alarm clock she finally gave up and got out of bed. Kicking the covers off, she jumped out of bed and made a beeline for the bathroom. She took a shower and changed clothes before anyone else got up. Rising early had more than one advantage. It gave her a chance to have some peace and quiet.

Rogue hadn't as of yet met the woman who ran this place, because she fell asleep before she had arrived. She figured she would meet her some time that morning. She did call Irene the night before telling her she arrived safely, but again her mother was unavailable to speak to her.

She walked into the kitchen with her stomach growling and had no idea what kind of supplies were available, but she would make due with whatever they had.

To her delight she found that she had her pick of just about anything. She decided she was going to make omelets. Since there were four other kids in the house, she thought two each would be plenty, except for the big kid. He could probably eat a dozen easy, but he would have to settle on six, and a plate of sausage links would be sufficient.

She spent the next hour cooking up a storm, and in the once quiet house, she heard footsteps stumping down the stairs. Yes, the troops were awake and no doubt hungry. Rogue just hoped she made enough to accommodate everyone.

The big kid entered the kitchen first and turned around from the stove in the middle of frying up some sausage to see him take a big whiff of air.

"Smells good," he said in his slightly gruff voice. "Sausage is my favorite."

"Everything's your favorite," the white-haired boy said after zipping in to the kitchen. "Well, well, here's a girl who knows all about woman's work."

Rogue turned to him giving her very pissed off death stare. "Would ya like to take over, Speedy?"

"The name's Quicksilver, sweetie," he said coming towards her. "As in, quick footed, quick minded and quick witted."

"More like dimwitted to me," she said, turning her attention to what was in her skillet. The remark got a chuckle out of the big kid.

"Laugh it up, Blob," the guy calling himself Quicksilver said. Of the four boys she met yesterday the one called Blob seemed the one to have the most manners.

"Don't pay attention to him, Miss Rogue," he said and sat down at the table. "He's just jealous because he can't cook."

"Real men don't cook," Quicksilver said and zipped over to the skillet and stole a piece of sausage. "Ah, better than yours, Blob Boy."

Rogue smacked his hand but he zipped back to the table.

"The name is Fred," the big kid said. Rogue didn't hang around long enough yesterday to catch all their names, and after the less than hospitable welcome she received, she wasn't sure she wanted to get to know this bunch.

"So, you cook?" Rogue asked, directing the question to Fred.

"Yes, Ma'am," he said as she made him up a plate. She brought it over and sat it in front of him.

"Boy, am I hungry," he said and dug in as Rogue walked over to the counter and made up a plate for herself.

She sat down at the table next to Fred ignoring Quicksilver.

"Hey, where's mine?" he asked.

"Get it yourself," Rogue said and dug into her food.

Fred just laughed. "That's what you get for not respecting a lady."

Quicksilver grumbled and rose to his feet zipping across the kitchen to make himself a plate. Rogue couldn't help but quietly laugh at the boy, but he did deserve it after how he acted.

At that moment the two other boys who lived in the house entered the kitchen. "Hey, did Blob cook again today," the boy she remembered as Lance said. "I thought it was Pietro's turn?"

"It was, but Roguey over here made it," the silver-haired boy said.

"Good," the toad boy said. "Your cooking reeks. The flies in the window tastes better."

"That's disgusting," Rogue said and got up from the table and took her empty plate and put it in the sink.

She was about to exit the kitchen when she heard Lance's voice. "Hey, ain't you going to serve us."

"Hell, no," she said, still standing in the doorway, "and ya all can do the dishes."

Rogue walked out into the living room and turned on the television. Cartoons were the best thing this time of morning, and she turned it on just for a distraction. She had her book with her and thought she could take a little time to read while they fought over the leftover food.

To Be Continued...

More Rogue scenes with the Brotherhood boys in the next part. It's training time and boys are in for a big surprise.

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