Hidden Memories: Part 3

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The rest of the morning seemed to move like a snail, and it didn't help that she couldn't keep her eyes off the clock. She knew that more she stared at it the slower it would move, but she just couldn't help it.

Lunch time came soon enough, and even though she hadn't had breakfast she wasn't that hungry. She found him in his normal spot by the entrance doors.

"Are ya stalkin' me?" she asked as she approached him.

He smirked, while shaking his head. "You wan' me to?" he asked. She hated the fact that He would usually answer her question with another question. She turned away hating that he was being so evasive and took a step hoping to escape his presence, but the vibration of his voice stopped her. "I saw you lookin' all round like you're searchin' for somethin'."

"Ah was," she said honestly. The truth was she didn't want to escape him. She needed to know what was going on, and something told her he just might have the answers. "Ah need t'talk to ya about somethin'."

"Go ahead," he said and took her hand.

"Not here... Someplace private."

"Alright," he said and led her down the hallway. He looked to see if anyone was around. When he saw that the hallways were clear, he led her through a door into a small utility closet.

"Why the hell are we in here?" she asked angrily.

"Privacy," he said and put his hand over her mouth. He was wearing gloves so there was no danger of accidental skin contact. "Now, what you wanna talk 'bout, and be quiet?"

"It's hard to explain," she said and he looked at her a little confused. "Well, earlier when we arrived at school...when you kissed my hand...it... ah...wasn't the first time...was it?"

"Non...," he said but he had a smile on his face. "You remember...?"

"Ah'm not sure what ah remember," she said and looked down at the floor. Remy had taken his glasses off and raised her chin so she had to look him in the eyes.

"Tell me what you see," he said and she thought back to the memory.

"Were we in a sewer? I remember a place that was dark and damp." He nodded and his lips came close to hers. She pulled back. "No, we can't do that, not without..."

"Dis?" he asked and pulled out a green gem. It was attached to a chain and he put it around her neck. "You remember dis?"

"I'm not sure," she said and looked up at him.

"Perhaps I can jog your memory... if you trust me," he said softly. She nodded and he came close to her touching her lips. She was waiting for the pull of his memories, but they never came. After that she lost all self-control and wrapped her arms around his neck and had his hands on either side of her waist and pulled her closer to him.

The kiss seemed to last forever, but as they pulled away more memories came back to her. She was shaking, and he held onto her so she wouldn't fall. "You alright, chere?"

"I just keep getting these flashes," she said and she looked up at him. "About you and me...together."

He smiled and touched her cheek. "Dat makes me real happy."

"Ah'm still real confused," she said. "How did ah not know..."

"It don' matter," he said and wrapped his arms around her. "What matters is we're together now."

She pulled away from him, as much as she could in the cramped space they were occupying. "No," she said and shook her head. "Ah have t'find out why this happened, until then ah can't promise anything."

"Dat's fair enough," he said and looked into her eyes again. Something inside her told her that he would never hurt her, even though her head was telling her to be cautious. "Just do somet'in' for me?"

"What?" she asked with a confused look on her face.

"Meet me t'night," he said. She hesitated which gave him a worried look on his face. "Please, in the park by the old oak tree, 10 o'clock." She lowered her head and again, and Remy was worried that she wouldn't agree. "Please, chere."

"Okay," she said, looking up at him. She had her fingers touching the green gem he put around her neck. She took it off and handed it to him.

"Chere, dat's yours," he said, trying to get her to take it back.

"Keep it for me," she said and placed it in his hands. "Until tonight."

"Alright," he said and put his arms around her. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until he realized that their lunch hour was almost over. He peeked out of the door to make sure the hallway was clear. He then led her out just as the bell rang. "Don't forget."

"Ah won't," she said in a quiet voice and turned around and walked away from him towards her next class. She was sure he was staring at her as she walked down the hallway, but she was afraid to look.

To Be Continued...

In the next scene Rogue and Remy have a secret meeting, and he tells her about the things that Tara found out about. Will Rogue finally leave the brotherhood?

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