Part 19

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[Charlie's POV]

Last night was the longest night I've had in weeks. I slept for maybe three hours before I just laid there wide awake staring at the ceiling. Sure it wasn't a headlining tour or anything, but it would be the first time I would be leaving the safety of my LA apartment to travel the country. It also might have been the fact that I would be seeing Ashton for the first time in almost three months and by the way we left our last conversation, I knew things were going to be different.

My alarm went off around 7am but I was already up and making a fresh pot of coffee. When I finally got to my phone and shut off the alarm I saw I had two texts from Ashton. My heart fluttered and I couldn't seem to wipe the smile off my face as I read his texts.

'Been up since 5. Can't sleep.'

'Probably because I get to see you tonight :)'

Yup, things were definitely going to be different. I really hoped that having him come to this show would bring him some relief from everything else going on in his life at least for an hour or two. By 9 o'clock I was showered and dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a tank top, knowing that I would be going straight into hair and makeup when I got to the venue.

After opening for Ariana Grande a month or so ago I was asked if I would like to tour with her and Rixton for the US leg of her honeymoon tour. Of course, I had said yes. I have always loved both artists' music, so now being about to open for them felt like a dream.

The venue was in an uproar as crew and stagehands hustled around me like busy worker bees. My eyes were glued to the ceiling as I stared at the massive arena I would be performing in, in just a few hours. Within minutes of stepping into the arena I was pulled backstage by my manager, Kristen, who was yapping about something that didn't really matter. Every couple of minutes I would check my phone to see if I had gotten any new texts from Ashton. I just had to remind myself that he was probably driving and would text me when he had the chance.

Doors to the venue opened at six and as I checked my phone once again, I saw that it was already half past. My leg bounced up and down nervously the closer it got to show time. I was on at 7:30 and was now just getting my hair and makeup done. To say we were a bit behind would be an understatement. As the minutes ticked by I wondered why Ashton and Michael hadn't gotten here yet.

I practically jumped from my seat when my manager walked back into the room with two familiar boys following after her. Unfortunately, I was forced back into the chair so my stylist could finish what she was doing to my hair.

"I know you two are friends, but please try to stay out of the way." My manager spoke harshly only because she was already stressed.

I fidgeted anxiously in my seat as I stared back at Ashton through the mirror in front of me. His eyes were on me as well, Michael mumbling something quietly in his ear. A smile tugged at his lips the longer Michael spoke eventually a full-blown laugh erupted from inside him. I smiled happily at the noise as I bounced in my chair.

"Sit still." My stylist, Jennifer, had an amused but knowing look on her face. She knew all too well who Ashton was, seeing as I could never shut up about how great I thought he was.

"Yeah, Charlie," Michael joked, "I know you're excited to see me but you hair isn't done yet."

Ashton let out a tiny giggle before glancing up at me shyly. Even though Ashton and I have spent little time in each other's presence, we still talked on a daily basis. We know things about each other that others didn't and that was important to me. I knew before I left Arizona I had said we would just be friends, but seeing him now after all this time made that idea seem virtually impossible. I wanted him to be mine.

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