Part 21

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[Ashton's POV]

My hands were clasped together tightly in hopes of stopping them from shaking. I knew this day was coming, but I just didn't expect it to be so soon.

"I'm sorry." I choked back the tears that threatened to fall.

My grandmother smiled at me weakly as she reached out to take one of my hands in hers. She had decided on her own that it was time. Either we kept paying to keep her alive or we pull the plug. I had balled my eyes out when she told me her decision.

"It's time for me to go, Ash," She had said, "You've got your whole life ahead of you and I'm not going to hold you back anymore."

What could I do? Hospital bills were already starting to pile up and she was willing to leave this earth so I wouldn't have to deal with the debate. She was selfless and I owed her everything. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for her.

My hand tightened around hers as her doctor stepped back into the room. Michael was just down the hall in the closest waiting room, wanting to give us some space.

"I love you so much, Ashton." Her voice was almost in audible, "And I'm so proud of you."

I finally let the tears I was holding back fall. A quiet gasp left my lips and I knew this was it.

"I love you too, gran." I sobbed not caring that the doctor was still in the room. "You're the best mom I could've asked for."

She kissed the top of my hand and lightly patted it in a reassuring way. Her doctor took that as his queue to start shutting down the machines keeping her with me. He removed the breathing tube and a raspy breath left her body. Her hand tightened around mine for a brief moment before going limp all together.

I kept my head down not wanting to believe that she was actually gone, but the loud ring of the heart monitor just made it all too real. And then it was silent. My head shot up then to see the doctor had shut that off as well. The look on his face was full of sympathy, though I was sure he was numb to it all by now.

He lifted his clipboard hesitantly before speaking, "Time of death: 7:53pm."

I glanced up at the clock on the opposite wall. It was almost 1:30pm and like every Monday, my workplace was complete empty. Why was I here again?

I ran my fingers through my already disheveled hair not caring what I looked like at the moment. There was only four more days until my grandmother was truly gone. Her funeral was scheduled for Friday and I'd pay any amount of money for that day to never come.

Charlie would be flying in on Wednesday, even though I had told her not to come. She practically yelled at me, telling me to stop being so stubborn and let her be there for me. So I did just that because as much as I didn't want to disrupt her tour, I knew I needed her with me. Charlie was the only one who could make me smile in this devastating time of my life.

"I brought you lunch." Michael's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Thanks." I mumbled as he set the plastic bag filled with Chinese take out on the counter in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He proceeded to ask me the same question he has been since my grandmother passed.

And I replied like I always did, "I'm fine."

He gave me a skeptical glance but didn't say anything else. We sat quietly eating our food, both of us content with the quietness around us. I appreciated that Michael gave me some space even if he did keep a watchful eye on me most times.

"Are you staying at mine again tonight?" Michael asked absentmindedly.

"If it's alright with you," I spoke quietly.

He only nodded and soon we fell back into a comfortable silence. I haven't stayed at my own place since the night my grandmother died. It would just be too much to handle all at once, so Michael had been letting me crash on his couch.

I knew I needed to go back and start boxing up her personal items, but I'd leave that till Thursday. Maybe I'd ask Charlie to come with me, god knows she's the only one who's been keeping me sane this last week.

"When's Charlie getting here?" Michael read my mind.

An involuntary smile formed on my lips as I spoke, "Wednesday afternoon."

"Do we need to pick her up?"

I shook my head, "Her parent's are."

"Well good, she'll make you feel better." And I nodded my head in agreement.

Michael stood from his seat, throwing away the reminisce of his food in the trash, "Do you need me to get you anything else?"

"No." I answered shortly.

"Are you sure?" He gave me the same worried look that I've grown accustom to.

I shot him a glare, "I'm fine, Michael."

He sighed and headed toward the door, "Whatever you say."

And then he was gone. The room felt eerily quiet so I quickly turned on the stereo, letting the music distract me from my own thoughts.

It was almost 7 by the time I got back to Michael's and I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes and sleep the rest of my life away. I stopped dead in my tracks just outside the apartment door, and I could hear the sounds of the light laughter from a girl. I rolled my eyes, prepared to kick out any girl Michael may have invited over.

My keys fell from my hand in utter surprise as I opened the door to see Charlie sitting on one of the stools lined up against the kitchen counter. Michael stopped talking instantly, a smile spread across his face because it was obvious that he had this planned all along. Charlie stood, taking her sweet time to walk over to me. My eyebrows row with anticipation as she bent down and picked up my keys that were still lying on the ground by my feet.

"You dropped these." She smiled lightly.

I didn't say a word as I scooped her up in my arms and buried my face in the crook of her neck. Michael chuckled to himself and after a brief moment I heard the door to his bedroom shut. Charlie's hands ran up and down my back in a soothing manner as we finally pulled away from each other and I took note that Michael had indeed given us some privacy.

Before she could say a word I pushed my lips to hers, bringing her body even closer to mine.

"Surprise." Her face was bright red as we finally pulled away from each other, "I came back a day early."

"I can see that." My body was warm and tingly and I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. This was the first time since my grandmother's passing that I've actually felt happy.

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